american ganster = fucking great movie

saw it last night in theaters, one of the best movies of the year, hands down

anyone else seen it yet?

oscar for sure for denzel

if anyone wants to watch it, here ya go, its free, and the video qaulity is pretty good

I just watched it today, pretty good, definitely a must watch.

saw it yesterday. great movie.

agreed, denzel washington needs an oscar for this one.

my man.

ive been saying that feverishly

My man :smiley:

i haven’t seen it yet but denzel is my favourite actor of all time. So i can’t wait to see it.

for the cheap-asses out there, there’s a nice DVD screener that came out on the net couple of weeks ago… actually it came out a week before the movie aired in the theatres, LOL

^^ i downloaded that but haven’t watched it yet :smiley:

that would be the one i watched a few days back. screw paying $12 at the theatre, or w/e they’re charging these days.