Amherst Man Accused of Abusing Infant Child

Amherst Man Accused of Abusing Infant Child

By looking at four week old McKinzie you’d hardly know that a few weeks ago both of her legs were broken, and then last Thursday, her arm was broken. The man accused of doing it is 23 year old William Smielecki who lived with the baby’s mother on Denrose Drive in Amherst.

fucking morans, seriously these people need to not have kids.

they should break his legs and his arm then cut his dick off

the mother may have had an incident with another child and child protective services.

This is the mother’s second child, her two year old has also been in the custody of the grandmother since she was an infant.


Read this is the paper, what a dumb ass

this is why the death penalty exists… WHY DON’T WE USE IT???

thats the easy way out, make this shithead rot for years in jail and put him to work making my clothes.

cost to much in the long run. and i am not surprise trash always dates trash

break his leg. every time it heals break it again.

In the words of “pantera”…5 minutes alone. Thats all it would take. But I do enjoy greenbull’s idea.

i know i will probably get flamed for this but i actually know this kid. I worked with him at the Roadhouse. He was a really nice kid and always talked about his daughter non stop, but the babies mother from the stories he told me were crazy and i honestly think she had a lot to do with this, possibly hurt the girl herself. I just really cannot see him doing this. I guess he is innocent until proven guilty and i dont belive it until the judge rules.