An open letter to darkstar...

To: Micheal Knapp
From: Jonathan Kolar
Re: Your mother
Date: 6/11/2006

Dear Micheal,

   It has been brought to my attention that your mother, Mrs. Knapp is indeed a flithy and disease infested cum receptacle.  It has been the understanding of all personel that any time a load of semen needs to be extracted, a rimjob is to be given, or if a member just feels like defecating on a woman... it is commonplace to call Mrs. Knapp.  
   Due to her extreme level of poverty and ignorance, she has been known to accept most forms of payment.  These forms of payment are including, but are not limited to:
  • Speed of sound windshield banners
  • “Supra” style wings for preludes
  • Axle back exhaust systems for automatic maximas
  • Canned goods
  • Food stamps
  • Crudely conterfeited money ( I once gave her an index card that had $1 written on it with green crayon)
  • A large cardboard box to sleep in for the night

From the exorbitant amount of sexual debauchery, your mother has been recently diagnosed with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).

Note: The Pennsylvania Legislature amended the Pennsylvania Crimes Code in 1995 to provide for enhanced sentences for persons with HIV who are aware of their infection and are convicted of prostitution and related offenses. For such persons, the sentence is enhanced from a misdemeanor to a felony. This provision is codified at Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, Title 18, § 5902

Even though she is currently out of state, the Pennsylvannia State Ploice have an all points bulletin issued on Mrs. Knapp to bring her to justice for these crimes against humanity. I understand that it is hard to transmit HIV merely from urinating on her chest while she lays in a gutter, but it is possible. Please try to talk some sense into her and have her turn herself into any PSP barrocks. The fate of Pittspeed is riding on your shoulders Mike.

Yours Truly,

Jonathan J. Kolar

:bukkake: :doh:

and here I am thinking it was another love letter…

X a billion!!

Ur forgot to add that the pound is still looking for the leash that was on her when she escaped…

HAHAAHAHAHA, funniest thing i have read in a long time DAMN Hahhaahhahahahah

i took this picture down ocean city at the francis scott key where i was staying

what do you know about this?:dunno:

well done. 9.3/10.

the rest of the faggots in this forum need to pay attention to this thread.

:hsugh: :stick:

ehh… 6/10

lets hear your retort mike

6/10??? you’re out of your fucking mind.

I would say 8/10 minimum.

i fell asleep twice… 6/10


Nicely stated.

were you driving your 240?

umm… what 1/10 maybe…


Don’t speak. This is my website now.