And NY's newest senator is....

Kirsten Gillibrand


  • Not from NYC. (20th district map)
  • Member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of congressional Democrats who hold more conservative views than their liberal Democratic counterparts.
  • Endorsed by the National Rifle Association.
  • She’s not a Kennedy. :slight_smile:
  • Voted against the bailout because it lacked proper oversight.

:tdown: I like some of her views but everything I’ve heard suggests she’s kind of a power-hungry bitch. She tried to jump above Higgins to get the ways and means committee in the house, even though he has more seniority. Not to mention her district is largely Republican and we’ll probably lose the house seat.

Also a plus in my book. :wink:

:tup: from the bits i’ve read so far


Seems like a solid choice.

well, I got to say, I’m happier it’s her than kennedy. I still can’t believe she was ever even considered for the job


I wonder what she thinks of western NY?

I’m kind of curious what kind of pressure there was to keep a woman in the seat…

sounds like she is a little bit conservative for my taste… but a solid pick nonetheless

MUCH better pick than Kennedy. I like her actually, which means many of the left swinging members will hate her.

Jay, by now i’m sure you’ve read about her feud with pelosi so you probably like her more :lol:
I dunno, if they were gonna pick someone from upstate it should’ve been Higgins. But it’s good to see someone from outside the 5 boroughs win some kind of statewide elective office.

She’s fighting with Pelosi? That seals the deal for me. Way to go Paterson!

shiver pelosi


Shes from my area. It was a bit of a mess when she got elected due to the outgoing repblican. I really haven’t heard much good or bad about her.

Even though she’s a democrat, I’m at least happy she’s a conservative democrat, voted against the bailout and likes guns :tup:

(The Politico) Nancy Pelosi is no fan of Upstate New York Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand – and the speaker’s barely-concealed coolness to the House sophomore is a factor pushing Gillibrand back in the pack in the race to replace Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, according to New York Democrats.

People familiar with the situation say Pelosi hasn’t tried to actively scotch Gillibrand’s candidacy – but she’s made no secret she thinks the 42-year-old up-and-comer has been too aggressive about climbing the House leadership ladder.

Gov. David Paterson, who will tap Clinton’s replacement later this month, is well aware of Pelosi’s feelings and isn’t eager to alienate the powerful speaker at a time when the state is asking for billions in federal aid, sources say. That said, he hasn’t ruled anyone out.

“Nancy doesn’t like her, and that certainly can’t help Kirsten [in the Senate scramble],” said one New York Democrat with knowledge of the situation. “There’s real tension between the two when they are both in the same room. You can feel it.”

Gillibrand, a powerhouse fundraiser who unseated Republican John Sweeney in 2006, easily won re-election last year to her right-tilting district last year by embracing gun rights and fiscal frugality. Both Clinton and the state’s senior senator, Charles Schumer, think highly of Gillibrand – though they deny reports that they pushed her for the job.

She fits two of the main criteria for the Senate pick: She’s a woman and she’s from upstate, a region Paterson needs to win re-election.

Gillibrand’s big downside: If she was tapped, her seat would likely revert to GOP control.

Pelosi and Gillibrand have never enjoyed good personal chemistry – and the speaker was less than thrilled Gillibrand bucked leadership by voted against the $700 billion bank bailout.

But the real trouble began, sources say, when Gillibrand met with Pelosi late last year in an attempt to take a House Ways and Means slot vacated by a retiring upstate Democrat.

Pelosi, a stickler for protocol and dues-paying, “brushed her back,” a Congressional aide says. And the speaker became more ticked off when she learned that Gillibrand had been discussing the appointment with other members of the state delegation.

“The feeling was that Kirsten was going behind her back,” said one House member – an assertion Gillibrand allies vehemently deny.

Pelosi eventually appointed Buffalo Rep. Brian Higgins, who had more seniority, for the vacancy on the recommendation of the state’s dean, Ways and Means chairman Charlie Rangel – one of Paterson’s political mentors.
I’d hit it.:hitit:


Double good news though.

  1. A democrat that likes guns is alright in my book.
  2. The fact that Kennedy “dropped out” at the last minute (and the rumors about what Patterson said about her) shows that Patterson has a brain too.
