Caroline Kennedy

Just thought we should hear the genius that patterson chose.

She sounds like a fucking idiot. I can’t wait to see the SNL on this fucking douche nozzle. No one on the planet can say she would get the job if it wasn’t for her name. Gotta love NYS.

Go figure another unqualified nys politician


The best part is the retards in this state are going to reelect her regardless of what she does in office

I am mad and I am not.

She is not the right person, but NY citizens wouldn’t have done any better if they elected the new senator.

And they ripped Palin apart and she has political experience, not just a last name.

We need Mesi for Senate :fail:

It just shows anyone can do anything. Obama made it into office, arnold swarchenegger is governor. It’s pretty disturbing to think fame and money make decisions in our country.

you know?

She’s not held political office, that doesn’t mean she hasn’t been in politics.

Patterson hasn’t appointed her. He’s thinking of it.

She has a nervous tic of saying “You know,” and “Um.” It’s her first appearance. She doesn’t have a legacy of almost nothing BUT gaffes, like Palin.

Bill O’Reilly is a hack.

That’s a summary of most of my major problems with this thread. I’m not saying she’ll do well, and I’m not saying that I think that she’s the best choice, or even a good one. But let’s hold off on the Palin comparisons - this is one interview that’s being trotted out all over the place. Palin has a veritable repertoire of screw-ups that we can draw from during her 2 months in the spotlight.

Let’s withhold judgment on Sweet Caroline a bit longer.

Withhold judgement? What are you talking about? Should we withhold judgement when we decide who we vote for? We live in a democratic society. We don’t withhold judgement, we use our judgement to decide who we choose to represent us or lead us.

Caroline Kennedy, through a spokeswoman, said that she supports legislation legalizing same-sex marriage, is pro-choice, is a strong supporter of gun control, and favors restoring the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, supports the federal bailout of American automakers, and says she opposed the Iraq War from the beginning.

For killing unborn babies and against the second amendment. Decided, I don’t like her.

What if she killed fetuses with the guns?

Hmmm…She doesn’t sound that bad to me, although I don’t think NY needs anymore gun control, except the assault weapons ban.

Though I think there are plenty of female politicians in NY who would do better, and I think it would be nice to have someone from upstate.

In essence you just don’t like her because shes a democrat.

So just that she is a Kennedy and never punched a clock or worked a government job in her entire life, she should be one of the top positions in NYS? Oooooh, she is a public servant in the libraries, tons of qualifications to run one of the worse off states.

Lets see, where does this book go, Failure.

It’s great that money and stature can buy you a position in goverment and not experience or drive.

I would rather have Mesi instead of her. Sad.

I read an article last week where she was complaining that her name was hurting her because she was being questioned more. Can you believe this bitch? And of course no one in the press dared to mention that without her name and running just in experience she wouldn’t have a shot in hell at the senate as her first political job.

Sounds like typical NYS government to me. I hope they pick someone else.

I pray that it is my final year in NY…

Assualt weapons, what exactly are those? cause you say we need to ban them.

Dollars to doughnuts says you have no F’n clue.

Alright, while this delves off topic, I support all of those things.

Same-sex marriage? How does that hurt anyone? If you can’t demonstrate a harm, then there’s no aggrieved party and the government has no business legislating it. This is not a rhetorical question. Tell me why this should be illegal.

Abortion - there’s no right answer. It’s not killing babies, unless she’s for partial-birth abortion. Killing a group of cells that could develop into a child is fundamentally different from killing a child - a zygote or embryo in the first trimester is closer to a sperm or egg than to a human being. The typical argument against this is slippery slope or religious - This Link address the religious aspects with textual responses, and the slippery slope argument is as easily applied to making female menstruation or male masturbation illegal because it kills millions upon millions of potential human beings. There’s no magic that happens at conception. And the law has no business legislating the rights of a human until a human is born.

I support people’s right to have hunting weapons and personal defense weapons. I do not think that this should extend to assault weapons. I also do not think that legislation aimed at blocking their possession by criminals has been effective. There’s no good answer to gun control, and I’m all for concealed-carry licensing for handguns and almost unrestricted access to shotguns and non-automatic rifles for adults without a criminal history. Allowing assault weapons to remain legal makes it possible for the criminally insane to go on horrifically effective shooting sprees; what good does it do? (Again, another real question.) As for the Second Amendment, you’re throwing it out like you’re a Constitutional scholar - and there certainly are Constitutional scholars who support your point. However, the first qualification of that right is, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state.” If the person owning it is not a member of a well-regulated state militia, it’s arguable whether banning their access to weapons is an assault on their rights.

I disagree with her on the bailout. Nobody’s perfect.

Good! She opposed the Iraq War for the beginning! How is this a character flaw? She opposed an unjustified, immoral attack that was based on fabricated evidence. It was never necessary, it was unbelievably wasteful. Wouldn’t it be nice to have the $620 billion we’ve spent over there back? Or 3,000 American lives? Do you think that oil prices might have remained more stable if we hadn’t have disrupted supply with our little Crusade? (I do.)

So you’re politically against her. That’s why you don’t like her. I bet you also don’t like Hillary Clinton; someone who is apparently very close to Caroline Kennedy in her views. I bet you don’t like Barack Obama, or Chuck Schumer very much either. Don’t hold her views against her, because in New York, you are absolutely guaranteed a Democratic senator. And they’re all going to believe pretty much the same thing anyway.

No, I was saying that we shouldn’t judge her for one failed interview. Palin had almost a dozen. If Kennedy gets to that point, well, I’ll think she’s an idiot, but we’re not there yet.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

We are not one of the worse off states. Tell someone in Michigan, or West Virginia, or Alabama that.

Oh, like George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan. They were both ungodly rich, one had a very famous father, they became Governer for a few years because of the money and stature that they had, and then used that as a springboard to go immediately for President.

I think Andrew Cuomo would make more sense. But if you think that this is an isolated incident, well… no. This is the way politics work. That’s why we have political families, and always have. People are largely ignorant of the people they’re voting for, and vote for the name they recognize.

She’s been a director, chairperson, etc. of several New York City school funding boards. She’s a Columbia trained lawyer. She might not be experienced, but there’s less experienced people in Congress out there, and her major advantage is that, even now, with the family in its twilight years, it’s still very hard to say no to a Kennedy.

I like a lot of what she stands for, however I dislike the fact that she really has no idea that upstate New York exists. We were lucky that Hillary came in as an outside and actually did things for upstate, such has support the Buffalo Medical Campus and got a lot of funding for farming. I have a feeling Caroline is going to buy a place on Manhattan and forget about us.

Hell, I’d rather see Byron Brown get the seat. He’s an idiot for sure, but at least he knows what is going on around here.

Caroline Kennedy has no position on most issues. She holds degrees from some very reputable schools, but I would suspect that is more a result of her name than hard work. She has never held a real job and never really been responsible for anything. I can’t see what would qualify her to read, draft and understand laws and issues concerning New Yorkers. The only experience she seems to have is hobnobbing with the art world and social elite of NYC.

This is why common citizens have to return to politics and run these movie star bourgeoisie out of government.