December 30, 2005, 8:32pm
really? Why’s that? bored with it?
yea, it should be enough to keep me interested for a while, plus not everything that’s going on has been disclosed so…
yeah i might be picking up a viper in the spring. i really am having trouble deciding what i wanna do. love the cobra, always loved the viper, never thought i could afford one, now i can, and its calling my name.
December 30, 2005, 10:58pm
I’d suggest going with a bigger crank and making it a 383. You’ve got it torn down now anyway. The extra stroke would give you alot of decent low end torque, and if you plan on juicing it no matter what this would be a good way to save some N02 for when you really need it.
Seriously the price difference betwen a 383 and 355 isn’t that big.
True a decent crankshaft is only $250, and good Mahle forged pistons with rings are in the $500 to $600 range
I second the 383 for TQ purposes!
Good luck!