And the loser of the spelling bee is...


ALMATY, Kazakhstan - The Kazakhstan central bank has misspelled the word “bank” on its new notes, officials said Wednesday.

The bank plans to put the misprinted notes — worth 2,000 tenge ($15) and 5,000-tenge — into circulation in November and then gradually withdraw them to correct the spelling.

The move has drawn the ire of the Central Asian state’s politicians who urged the bank to abandon the notes altogether.

“The mistake … is not just a spelling problem — it has political undertones,” a letter from members of parliament to President Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

“We urge you to tell the National Bank not to put out the notes with a mistake in the Kazakh language.”

Language is a contentious issue in Kazakhstan.

Kazakhs were encouraged to speak Russian, which is written in Cyrillic script, during Soviet times but since independence in 1991, the country has seen the Kazakh language as a national symbol.

The Kazakh word for bank is the Cyrillic form of “bank.” On the new note, the word was written with an alternate Kazakh form of the letter K, which has a slightly different pronunciation.

What is notable here is that they want to put the money into circulation, then slowly withdraw it. It was noted in the article that this reflects hugely on the government…

Id like to see what would happen if nitroinsane ever got in the business of designing money :bloated:

tee hee silly russians


Hey…we are not silly.

now i didn’t say “stupid russians” i said silly. :slight_smile: silly isnt a bad thing.

i didnt know what kind of silly you implied…:pimp:

i liike to make money…yes.

this is silly. hehe.

that article is worthless without pics

yeah, scanned the entire thread and article, nothing

yup awesome

i didn’t even read the article either.