And THIS is why I HATE the fucking cops

lol, always talking down to people youve never meet and have no clue about. you dk anything about me, my financial situations, or what i own. just because i dont go around bragging about it like its a dick measuring contest dont mean i have nothing.

your wrong, i would not have done the same thing. im just not that stupid.

i dont care what he did, w.e. but you hate cops because they took action when they saw a dude with a shotgun on central ave?

i thought you made like 50-60k a week? you posted in an other thread something like that. whats $3300 to you? not to mention isnt this the common risk you take when in the line of business your in? you dont expect to be getting scammed like this? i dont give a shit if the dude stole 20k. it doesnt warrant what you did. two wrongs dont make a right. and this is the second time youve ran down a street with a loaded shot gun? are you kidding me? hopefully they throw the book at you, as i said before, gun owners like you ruin it for the ones who dont break the laws.

as far as same situation as a home robbery, no. if someone broke in my house i wouldnt chase him down the road with my gun no matter what he took. any one that would shouldnt be allowed to own a gun.

im the moron, but your the one that runs down streets with loaded shotguns. :crackup :rofl

i agree. but im just a moron. :number1 just ask love4boost.