And those idiots are worried about global warming..

Now lets just hope the wolves don’t get out.

not worried.
the world is going to end in 2012 anyway.

Jesus will take me on a spaceship in 2012.

i’m moving to mars. there’s water there.

This isn’t new… at all. We’ve known about this for a looooong time. Seems that the only new part of that is that they are claiming it could happen a lot faster than originally anticipated.

global warming is bulshit. the earth’s climate goes through one extremely large cycle. ice ages happened before, theyll happen again.

fuckin scientists discovering what is already known.

has anyone posted up the articles about “climategate” yet?

^There should be a Climategate thread. It is the biggest scam in human history afterall.

Edit: A real worry should be the declining gravitational pull which I have mentioned in the past.

Fuck mars, the moons closer and made of cheese.

We’ve kinda made this thread the climategate thread already.

but if i run out of food and start eating the moon, i’ll have to move. so i’ll just stick to mars, because i know i won’t eat it. haaa.

Please come join me in 2013, RSVP now