And yet another mod...

So I finally got to go to bed last night at 3:00am after weeks of tedious soldering, wiring, testing, more soldering and more testing. I mounted my new and improved LED tails which now include the outers, the signals and reverse lights. I was trying to incorporate a potential meter so that I would get the scrolling effect for my turn signals…but it was just way to damn hard. So I stuck with the basics.

I spent close to 5 hours last night mounting the housing on the body and wiring and looming everything so it looked stock. If you look in the trunk…there is no evidence of modifications.

With Performance World just next week, I couldn’t procrastinate any longer and decided to bite the bullet and finish it all last night. So the part you’ve all been waiting for…

the pics…

running lights…

Signal lights…

Reverse lights…

And some teaser video…

A true labour of love as everything was done by hand.

Damn… looks a lot better than most of the Max’s that age! :R

looks great…nice job!

that looks wicked man, hand shake for that, if you keep that up, i might just have to get you to do my typeX tail lights in leds

that looks beautiful dude dont think ive seen anything like that yet… GOOD JOB :R

LED’s look soo nice …when they work properly coughdavidcough