LED cluster bulbs

Finally got my LED conversion bulbs for my gauge cluster today. I converting all the dash lights to LED, should look good I hope, got all the backs of my gauges sanded off so the numbers and such should show up white instead of the pissy amber color that they come from Nissan with. I’ll post some b4 and afters once I get them installed. Here’s what they look like:

Sweet. Wanna see how these look

Well, got em installed and I must say Im grossly disappointed. The LEDs I got aren’t as good as they claim to be, they barely light my cluster, although it is daytime so I`ll wait till dark and see what they look like then. Bought them from Autolumination out of the States.


Well, checked out my LED’s in the dark, and they actually aren’t that bad, there’s room for improvement. I guess I underestimated the way it looked at first. Here’s some pics:


Entire dash:

Center console:

My camera isn’t the greatest but you get the idea.

not all the numbers illuminate the same…that looks kinda shitty.

Yea, I noticed that. It looks a little better in person, but not much. I’ve got some more LED’s kicking around so I’m going to experiment a bit and see If I can improve the looks.

Ya… I won’t be doing this mod

the reason your l.e.d mod failed is because of your choice of l.e.d
you need to get either SMD lights or 5 l.e.d cluster bulbs

examples of dashes ive done



and my own

let me know if you need more information on these l.e.ds, ive been selling them on nico / zilvia for quite sometime
and doing almost every interior bulb in l.e.ds on many local cars

Cool, I’ll pm you, cause my dash looks like shit, lol.

you know what man,
the bulbs you have for your cluster may prove to be a problem, im not entirely sure if there is a multiled bulb for that application. might be able to make one though, but let me ask around and ill get back to you.