I read a little while back about some people putting LED’s behind there cluster, I also remember seeing pictures of both red and blue LED’s behind the cluster. I for one didn’t really like either. So I decided to try to get rid of that stock yellow tinged light from behind my cluster with a different colour. I replaced them with white LED’s, to try to get a nice white glow, here are some pictures from after the install. What do you think?
looks nice but if its from canadian tire bulbs… then they will problaly pop in a couple mnths
Nope there not I order them off ebay from a guy I’ve ordered from before, it seems the LED’s he sells last forever. I bought some from the guy a year and half ago, and they still haven’t blown the resistor. So lets hope these last just as long. Cause I hate taking out the cluster.
Do you see any very obvious problems with your mod?
They look alright, but as you can see in the pics there are overly bright spots where the bulbs are, you need wide angle LED’s to avoid that. I’ve had some for a long time now, just havnt got around to putting them in.
The other option is to wire a multi-LED cluster like the Lexus boys do. Some run like 64 LEDs in there to give it proper coverage and no bright spots.
I want to get rid of the yellowish look too, but my only beef is that your clock is still that gaudy yellowish light, which IMO looks almost worse with different coloured gauges. Honestly though, looks good apart from the bright spots.
anyone know how many leds you need for the digital cluster?