and you thought rollerblading was for girls!!!

That song really bothers me, Kevin Conway.

<4 rolleyskates. I just got back from skating around the old neighborhood.

hows the song bothering you? and thanks you know my name and i dont know yours… im scared.

and yes i know zach he has more then a few screws missing.

It just does, Kevin Conway. It just does.

That brings back memories. I used to skateboard up at Border Transitions in Niagara Falls before it closed. Then the rollerblade thing popped and I bought and still have my Oxygen Argon 1.1 they were about 15lbs a skate. lol But great for aggro stuff. But now when I get hurt it’s not just missing school it’s missing work and money. Getting older sux.

How many fat kids have you seen wearing them? I have seen 0.

Kevin L Conway… get it right

thank you!

EXCUSE ME, capen…dweller…, but Kevin L. Conway doesn’t specify in the video that he would like to distinguish himself from the other Kevin Conways of the world by using his middle initial.

No matter what rollerblading just seems dumb to me

biking, i never did but i respect the shit out of it.

rollerblading; takes the aspects of skateboarding tricks, but without having any of the hard parts (the board not being attached to your feet, having to learn how to ollie, etc)

but anyway where are the spots at at 1 minute and 1:30?

btw i still skateboard and would be down for a skate meet whenever. but only when its warm. in cold weather i drink beers, then when its cold and snowy go snowboarding

thanks for the respect about rollerblading well i think skate boarding is dumb because every kid i see only knows how to ollie and barly knows how to drop in while i still rollerblade i can drop in on a board do kick flips and heal flips and all the other basic stuff.

i’ll be nice and tell you where the spots are at 1min the spot is artpark in lewisten only go there when they are not open and hop the fence. and the other is frediona but good luck they beefed up the cop patrol and cameras.

haha sorry man, but you have to understand the circumstances. skateboarding was around first, and rollerblading as a whole left a pretty bad taste in skateboarder and bikers mouths. how is it that skateboarders and bikers can get along, yet rollerbladers cant get along with anyone?

they gave no respect to a sport on which they were largely based, soooo many rollerbladers acted like dicks to skaters and bikers, and made skateparks unbearable. im just thankful there were so few street rollerbladers around here. parks suck anyway, but i was glad to seldom run into rollerbladers at spots.

and most of the skateboarders that i see that can only ollie, their reasoning is they haven’t been doing it long. whereas rollerbladers who have invested that amount of time can jump down handrails and stuff. says a lot right there

How does that make skateboarding dumb? Because some kids saw their friends doing it and they wanted to try it, but never got the hang of it?

i miss riding street, but i now need to stick to bikes that arent going to tempt me to do stupid shit…

i need to pick up blading, ive been wanting to for awhile. anyone got some used size 12-12.5’s (if they do halfs)

blah get a bike

city streets and sidewalks would be too rough for rollerboots anyway…

i have a bike, but its back home. i dunno… i need to consistently get back in the gym. had a membership for a month now and only gone like 3 times.

brett lets go shred. you still got that fly? ill dust the kink off for some street sessions. the only thing i have been doing lately (this summer) has been racing 24" cruiser at the nike base…

Your a faggot if u own those shoes and are over the age of 10.

we should def. get a skate meet going. i probably am going to be back to just ollies and kickflips again, but skating with people that are better than me should help me get back in the swing. how often you skate? and how good do you think you are? lol i have to re-learn all the tricks

This reminded me of a joke I heard a while back.

“what’s the hardest thing about rollerblading?”

“Telling your parents you’re gay.”

Seriously though…I don’t disrespect any form of skating. As long as you’re out there having fun. Sure I prefer pushing wood or biking for that matter, but to each is there own. Someone out on blades is still probably being more productive with their time than your lazy ass surfin the net reading this post. :wink: