and you thought rollerblading was for girls!!!

So what you’re saying is that aggressive roller blading is analogous to driving an STi quickly?

Sort of, but they’re not nearly as easy to drive as a 1994 Honda Accord.

Also, now that I think about it, I was learning the really tricky stuff (inverted “acid” spins, do they still call them that?) at age 12, and trying to jump onto handrails that were almost as tall as I was. I guess stuff gets easier as you get older.

I wasn’t directing it at you faggot.

WTB english class.

wtb: funny jokes

That shit is fun, but I would rather be really good at BMX.

:word: I can skate to play hockey, but I always thought that shit was impossible when I tried it. Good video and some good tricks.

thanks guys who enjoyed it, and thanks zong for putting it better then i could. . and actually i didnt throw myself in it. haha its only an intro to something i was gonna make but im having a hard time finding songs i liked to edit to or lack of editing to.

and yeah pipedreams was fun while it was still around i remember royaling the hand rail inside before RJ; the owners son of the park before him that day because zach told me to do it. and do you remember Dave Spencer? hes on the board here but doesnt post much.