Input on F&F

No i just feel you need a slap in the face from reality. Just because you think your car is better than someone elses doesnt mean they need to feel ashamed. There are a lotcars i would rather own than a 240 but that doesnt mean that when i see someone else with one who rubs it in my face i should feel ashamed of mine.

NO one’s ragging on you for liking one car over another. Care to reread my previous post?

To be honest, you rolling your car may have been a freak accident or you may have been a tool. You’re right, i wasnt there i would know. But every week i drive on a road i dont drive very often. But i never finish the trip upside down.

You’re just a fucking tool at reading now. I’m not even going to respond to this.

If you really want people to leave you alone, stop posting and only post where you want to. If you cant take arguments or conflict online, god help you when you finish school and enter the working world.

And no, that post didnt fuck everything up, you’re just a poor sap who doesnt think about what he types. You were in it to have this meet to make you feel good for having what you think is a better car. Then you brought in random bullshit about yourself that no one even addressed to make your self feel better after being made to look like a fool. And now that that failed, you want to hide your shame by telling mods to close this thread (they probably will though) so no one will see what a tool you look like when you try to prove yourself.