Android Users

Mobile Defense. GET IT!

Mobile Defense is somewhat like the security portion of MobileME for the iPhone. It allows you to track your phone via GPS, Lock/Unlock, send a message with an optional pin number and sound alert if so be desired so that if the phone is stolen you can track it, send a message to it with an extremely annoying siren and they wont be able to turn it off without entering in the pin number or yanking the battery.

They also will offer remote backup and wipe. It was enabled for quite awhile but a secuirty update in android I guess caused a problem with it. So i’m really looking forward to that in the future.

Also its FREE! Well at least for now… It’s still in beta, but even if it becomes subscription based, as long as its not to outrageous <$10 a month I will pay for it.

Upon initial installation, user must create an account, once phone is verified and activated the program gets buried within android after a reset so unless someone knows wtf they are looking for with a file manager they have no idea its on there.

Thank you. I will definitely be getting this for the EVO.

0* thread fuck you

Seriously need a cell phone sticky

I think I’ve had this app installed at some point.

or just ditch you’re android all together and get a real phone :hahaiphone > all *

^^ fan boy.

The iPhone is a great piece of hardware. As far as the OS goes, it’s severely locked down and lacking. The phone JUST got some features that Android and WebOS have had a long time.

Is it a crap phone? Absolutely not. Is it the Supreme Ruler of Smart Phones? HELL TO THE NO.

Wow dude, why don’t you get a rainbow apple tat on your forehead :facepalm

hahaha true story