Angry drunk friend...what to do?

So I thought I’d ask for everyones opinion because I’m torn on what to do here. This guy I know has been one of my best friends since forever, but he’s been a real pain in the ass when he gets drunk lately. The last 2 times he’s been trashed, he’s tried to take a swing at me (for drunk nonsense reasons that no one can even understand what he’s bitching about). I blocked him both times, but last time he rushed me and everything, really trying to fight me. When he’s sober he’s perfectly fine, good guy and all, acts like it never happened. To complicate matters, he owes me $500 for something he put on my credit card so I cant really afford to just cut him off. Basically my options are:
-Continue to block him and put up with it, risk taking a shot
-Fight back next time, I’m pretty sure I can take him, explain to parents, friends, everyone why I fought a guy i’ve been friends with for 20 years

  • Continue normally but refuse to drink with him any more, tell him i’m tired of putting up with him being a drunk douche
    -Cut him off completely, probably eat $500.


how old is the $500 debt ? week ? month ? year ?

if you swing at him while hes drunk and knock him on his ass, will he be a bitch about it when hes sober ?

$500 debt is a remaining part of an $1100 debt from spring break in march, I had to charge it in feb.

I dont know how hed react if i knock him on his ass, weve never had a physical fight past like 7 years old or so

If he doesn’t remember trying to punch you

he probably won’t remember if you punch him

but it doesn’t make sense to fight a drunk guy…

have you told him that he tries to punch you when he is drunk? (while he is sober)

I havent brought it up sober because it would just piss me off and because I don’t want to give him the impression that I’m backing down, but last night he was like,
“I took a swing at you last time you were being a smartass, do i have to do it again”

so he obviously remembers.

If I knock him one it’ll most likely go til getting broken up, because he’s a lightweight at beer and most likely won’t feel anything.

Dont drink with him for a while. I’m sure he’ll get the picture.

i can’t vote for Any of the 4 options you have. none of them involve confronting him verbally (*sober):

talk about his meth attitude

talk about the debt with him

i think he knows you’re avoiding him on some level with both issues, and it’s certainly not going to resolve itself if he thinks he can get away with both. which, you’ve gotta admit - he is so far. it’s a tough situation tho, sounds like you’re putting a lot into trying to figure out what to do. just gotta talk to him when you’re both sober and confront him about the issues :tup: sooner the better, if he’s been your boy for that long it should be okay. if not, hey, he’s a shitty friend anyways.

good luck, update if things change :slight_smile:

basicly just tell him if he wants to be an asshat you’re not going to drink with him. And if he tries to fight you when he is drunk…whoop his ass. You are guys. Half the friends I have are because I got in a fight with them, showed my dominance and we became friends.

I have had it happen to me

Step 1: tell him hes a fucktard when he drinks - give him the chance to realize and settle down.

Step 2: if he starts with you, give him 1 single warning to cut the shit, if he doesnt comply…knock his ass on the ground.

Step 3: he he gets back up…you have 2 choices…walk away and say I am done with this shit and dont go out boozing with him or really jack him up so he will know the next day what happened.

Step 4: call the next day during sober time and explain to him that 1, you will not be hanging out drunk, or 2 if we do go out…prepare to get your ass handed to you every time.

Step 5: If that all fails…talk to his parents and just mention you are concerned…or talk to the other friends u go out with and explain that maybe u should all bail on taking him out for awhile til he cleans up.

Knock him out when he is drunk. He will have a shiner and WTF that was all about. You tell him. problem solved.

Good advice so far guys, i was largely thinking the same thing and was considering if it would be a dick move

Give him O’Doules once he starts getting buzzed. He will never know the difference.

Although the placebo effect may hinder any “progress.” :frowning:

just tell him when he is sober to stop the shit or your not going to drink with him anymore.

Listen you asshole. When i drink I cannot help myslef. Fuck off dickhead. Its not my fault you get a sandy vagina when we go out drinking.



yeah see This one here avoids injury and assault charges Aw right aw right

IMO, knock him out fo tha count

perhaps his drunken state will remember and not try shit next time :tup:

When he’s out, take his wallet, watch, jewelry etc. to repay the debt. It’s only a matter of time before he starts shit with someone else. Then you’ll end up getting into a big scrum. Let him get locked up ALONE.

Just knock him around a little. I’ve got into bad fist fights with a bunch of my good friends. You forget about it after a while. But maybe the dude has something messing with his head. Why elsa would he try to start fights over stupid shit when hes drunk?

There is no question, Id put him on his ass quick. Then Id sit on his chest, and while he was hopelessly pinned on the ground, id make him say “this is your house (best when you are really at his house), im sorry, and ill get you your money asap” before I let him up.

And this has all been done before, so I know it works.

Actually, if he really is your good friend, you should be able to talk o him about anything.