Anheuser Agrees to InBev Deal

U.S. brewer Anheuser-Busch Cos Inc (BUD.N) agreed to a $50 billion takeover by Belgium-based InBev NV (INTB.BR), a source familiar with the situation said on Sunday, creating the world’s largest beer maker.

I will never drink another bud light again :frowning: :rant: :down:

Ut oh. Natural Ice may jump up to $13 for a thirty :rofl:

i thought belgians made good beer? its all comes out as piss anyway


Maybe they’ll make Rolling Rock taste like it used to.

First AB joins InBev, next Soylent Green.

Colonel Adolphus Busch is turning in his grave.

beer is for pussies

They do

as long as they don’t change stella, I’ll be happy

they cant make bud worse can they??

its not changing the recipe… its the principal of selling off America piece by piece. one of the things you think of when you think of American culture is Budweiser…

so much for feeling like an American when I drink Budweiser while watching NASC AR as my bug zapper kills bugs on the deck!


I don’t think so…but we’ll see soon enough.

what’s the ingrident for headache?

one of the secrets that will change hands with new ownership…

I agree with the whole American beer being sold outside the states, just not a Bud fan

Just realized spud mckenzie as my avatar :rofl: miller > bud

MGD > *

I wouldn’t go that far. miller lite is by far better then MGD and no hangover

JD coke>Bud>the rest be a man & drink it

JD w/ coke or on the rocks > beer unless I’m trying to last through a long event…concert, cookout, etc…then I gotta stick to mostly beer 6hrs of drinking Jack usually ends up bad for me