Budweiser king of.... Belgians...


No good, our company does a lot of work for AB. We have know about it for a while. Not a good thing, more like a hostile takeover.

Soooo… when can we get waffle flavored beer?

Labatts FTW.

Labatt > Budweiser.

but seriously, how many people around here drink bud anyway? Cross post to NYFbody?

I was just in St. Louis and visited their brewery. One of the guys on the tour asked about the takeover and he was brushed off.

Neat brewery, though. I didn’t know they bottled a lot of other beer.

Belgian beer is the best in the world. However InBev seems to be the ‘Bud’ of Europe anyway (Stella is regarded as the lowest on the totem pole to European beer snobs). However its still miles better than Budweiser.

The merger (if it even happens) would only serve to boost InBev’s revenues. I doubt they’d mess with the beer itself or the employees. The only thing that would change is probably more specialty beers coming out of AB’s breweries, or Stella and Becks being brewed and bottled in the US for US distribution.

Eh, doesn’t bother me at all. I never drink bud anyways… its fucking piss water. Blue FTW

one of the largest, oldsest american companies…

also one of the best selling…

yea, who cares? :roll:

wasn’t talking about the business perspective. I was talking about the actual Budweiser brand in this market.

Man is this the 80s again or what. Foreign investors are cutting us up like woah. I suppose it’s a good time to do it.

:lol: When do you think Tata will buy GM?

With the currency discount, you’re damn right it is. In the late 90’s/Early 00’s when the latin american currencies crashed, we enjoyed international travel and shopping there for pennies on the dollar. Now Europe gets to do that to us.

Im just thinking back to when the Yen was soo strong and japanese investors came in and bought up all they saw.


i love budweiser and i was really unhappy when i heard about this.

exactly, man who the fuck gives a fuck? /sarcasm

Now that Belgian InBev has bought Anheuser-Busch…


The last of the mega-breweries has now gone into foreign hands, following SAB (South African Breweries) Miller, and Molson-Coors…

And though both companies above have merged their American divisions (now to be called Miller-Coors), they’re still foreign-owned.



too much personal info

Sam Adams better stay American…fucking krauts

Ummm, InBev owns Labatts too

Yea, they have for a couple years now. They waited about 6 months to downsize at Labatt corporate. The corporate engineering group took the biggest hit, which is what’s expected to happen at Anheuser-Busch. Labatt is a completely different company to work with now. PITA

I hope that AB doesn’t end up they same way. I’ve been to almost every major brewer (and brewery) in North America and nobody takes quality, cleanliness, and consistency as seriously as A-B. I can’t imagine InBev letting them continue to spend money like they do.