i have yet to try Budweiser… so ehh
Meh. Genny is still 100% American.
Cream Ale > *
Are all of you REALLY that concerned with drinking American beer?
I’m curious what sort of job you have? Sounds pretty cool.
That’s not the point.
I engineer dehumidification equipment, to keep mold and bacteria out of the cellars where they make the beer. We also monitor and supply air for yeast rooms (some are open tanks) which is super critical.
For the first 3.5 years at Niagara, I was assigned to all brewery projects, including Anheuser. It was definitely a great experience. Most of the brewers considered our equipment critical, so I got to meet some of the big wigs for most of the big companies. A typical installation of ours will cost the brewery between $250,000 and $4,000,000. Almost everyone who works at, or near breweries are good fun people, until they get taken over, i.e. Labatt, Miller, Coors, soon to be Anheueser.
Over the last few years, micro-brewers have been making leaps and bounds in terms of market share. With all of the takeovers, I hope the trend keeps going in that direction.
:tup: that’s pretty sweet.
I love how Bud just ran a commercial on being so “American.”
Who really can get drunk off of bud light?
It will. I don’t think you’ll ever be in short supply of work, the good microbrews will get bigger. :tup:
I didn’t know thats what you do, thats a pretty damn cool job.
It’s definitely fun. I’ve since moved upward, and I’m now responsible for all design, and our (2) new product lines. It’s great that our company does this type of work and is located here locally. Almost all of our engineering department has come out of UB.
Back on topic: I think AB’s is going to have a huge marketing push to show how ‘American’ they still are. Since the SAB takeover, that has been the crutch of most of their marketing. Regardless if whether you like Budweiser or any of their products this is a blow to an iconic American company, that was highly regarded internationally.
Fuck big companies. Fuck big foreign owned companies.
I will carry on drinking my Genny Lite when I want something cheap, and Flying Bison when I want a good beer. Mmm Aviator Red… :jam:
My fridge is full of Flying Bison. My brother was working there up until this week.
i dont drink bud at all either, but i do think this may be a problem. if foreign companies start throwing their weight around and buying up everything it can be an issue. hopefully they wont start downsizing or moving out of the states.
i think its funny that wherever i go, they dont drink the beer they are famous for. the netherlands doesnt drink heineken, mexico doesnt drink corona, belgium doesnt drink stella, and japan doesnt really drink sapporo. and i dont really know that many people here who drink bud. i guess canada breaks the hell out of that trend.