Rolling Rock Brand sold to Budwieser

The assholes are going to brew rolling rock in new jersey. F*ck budwieser.

well that sucks

rolling rock beer sucked ass anyway.

I do feel bad for the people who might lose their jobs though.


  • one bajillion

Rolling rock blows Yeungling FTW as far as PA beers go.

which doesnt say anything seeing that PA has nothing but shit for beer. well except penn pillsner


straub > *

I’m not a huge fan of rolling rock, but i hate budwiser, id rather drink american light over bud any day. Penn pils > all PA beers, with yuengling not far behind IMHO

It just pisses me off that all of those people are more than likely going to lose their jobs since that is such a large brewery if a micro brew buys it they probably wont be able to keep all the employees.

I havent had straub in a while, I might have to pick up a case tonite! no preservatives FTW

Sure there is some shady BS involved as always…but I was a Rock fan…One of my fav…since I have to fight having the gut of largenss Rock light>*

I wonder whats going to happen with the sale in Heinze field? That was one of the main Beers there.

mmm straub

Rolling Rock currently has approx. 200 employees…They picked up their severance packages today.
Rolling Rock brewed 852,000 BARRELS of beer last year.
Busch bought the name and recipe… and will now FUCK up Rolling Rock beer. It will never be the same.
The current employees are hoping that YUENGLING buys the brewery in the next 2 months to save their jobs.
I’m from Latrobe… Rolling Rock is a part of the town… This just sucks for the town.

it does suck for the town but the beer does suck too. they’ve been selling on image for years

All I drink is Rolling Rock… It doesn’t bother me? I am used to it. The beer can’t be that bad or they would have been out of business a long time ago and they wouldn’t have had the need to make 852,000 barrels last year.

i enjoy rolling rock, i’m very sad and angry that they will be moving it to newark… newark’s diiirty.

but then again, there’s a ton of people who prefer to call it weasel piss and ass rock, so obviously not everybody likes them. in fact, i’d say the majority of people don’t like it.

I agree… The majority of people around here don’t like it… But it seems to be the beer of choice in Hollywood and in that direction. Which I don’t understand… but whatever.

rock light is good. reg. rock is ok. and i use to hate lager until my buddy got a free case as a tip. lager gets me fucked up so f’n easy. ahh beeerrrr

rock isnt too bad, i’ll drink it here and there… my girlfriend perfers it
i perfer MGD :yum:

RR isn’t that bad, I would never order it. Drank it plenty of times.
Hate to see a semi big time brewery go, but ohwell.

glad to see the “King of beers” taking it. since what i drink of beer anyway.