Anna Nicole Smith is Dead

hmmm…a scandal maybe? Could be interesting.

Nobody deserves to die…Even though its true she has done nothing for society and that she slept her way to the top… I’m interested to see the autopsy results tomorrow.

x2 but i bet i know what it will say.

there is nothing wrong with that at least as far as normal useage is concerned. supposedly methadone does not affect a fetus and is often prescribed for female heroin addicts should they become pregnant.

Her son died of an accidental interaction between methadone, zoloft and Lexapro, which lead to the fatal cardiac dysrhythmia

Whats with all this “no one deserves to die” shit?

We are all dieing, face it. We spend 9 months trying to live, and X number of years trying to die. It’s not like she was murder by a gang of drug dealers or anything. If that where the case, then I could see the whole no one deserves to die thing. She died, she punched her number, thats it. It will happen to all of us. We all got a number, when your numbers pulled you die, simple.

Thats the best thing i have read all day. HAHAHA

:slight_smile: lol

So you don’t think it matters that she didn’t get to live her whole life?
You die you die, you’re supposed to. Doesn’t matter why kinda thing?
I’d rather not die when I was 40, I’d rather none of my friends die when they are 40, or my family. They deserve to live a full life, just like everyone else on the planet.

Err, she did live her whole life. It’s not like we get a specific amount of time.

yawn… so how bout those pens?

Who gives a fuck?

Certainly not me.

One more annoying, pathetic sack of meat I don’t have to hear about on the television anymore.

Alioto’s erupted when they won the shootout tonight.

She must have been involved with the Clintons.

lol, one more to the list…

Well her son died, now her, the only person left to get her money is a 5 month old, i wonder when the kid will wind up dead.

I share your sentiments. Its amazing to me how America can become infatuated with trash like her and Paris Hilton.

didnt even know they won… just trying to change the subject

We have a couple of those on the forums that I’d rather not hear from too, but we can’t all get what we want.


Now is when the lawyers really are going to have some fun. There is the whole paternity dispute over her 5 month old. Then there is Howard K. Stern who was married to her for what, around 5 months also. Then there is the father of her dead son who might be suing her estate for wrongful death of her son. Then as always, there is still the original law suit from family of the old fart in Texas she married to get the money. Also all the other people she has screwed over (in more than one way :smiley: ) that will try to get a piece of the action (too many puns).

Well at least the lawyers are going to make some money on all this.