didn’t this happen months ago?
i just saw a clip of it on the news, came to a computer to confirm the story, was about to post it, and saw it was already on here…
crazy shit…
and sure she’s not around to take care of her newborn, which sucks…but i’m sure the $100+ Million she’s worth will provide quite the nice upbringing for the kid…
At least the infant girl she left behind will have a chance at a normal life. Anna Nicole left a lot to be desired in the common-sense/ responsibility area.
I feel sorry for the kid…shes gonna get made fun of 24/7
“yo your mom was a slut and drug’e and she banged out old guy for loot…etc etc”
eesh. crazy.
not that i’m taking any sides…but there’s a lot of hate here…
I wont lie…if presented with a 90 year old woman that was worth hundreds of millions…i’d hang out with her for a few years til she kicked it and left it all to me…
6 years of school to make $XX,000 a year…or 6 years putting up with an old person, with a constant cash flow, with a much bigger payout than a degree would give me…maybe i’m just more shallow than the general population on NYSpeed…but that’s a lot of money to say no to given the opportunity…
back on topic though…i kinda feel bad for her daughter, but not so much knowing that now the kid’s gonna have the opportunity to be raised by a normal parent, with normal parenting skills…
I agree completely. As for feeling bad, call me callous and cold, but my whole reaction to this was “meh”.
A rich kid who will likely inherit most of the money.
i dunno. see, i hope im a rich old man some day. so some woman will be with me for my money
if im old and alone, i would love to have a hot young 20 something pawing at my wrinkles. I don’t give a crap if shes just with me for my money. its better than being alone.
plus, now that viagra is out, you can even fck her too!
Who would you rather have sex with, fat anna nicole smith or skinny anna nicole smith after she’s been dead for 5 minutes?
lets start a pool betting on how many barbituates were in her system at her time of death
cocaine and anti depressants
i can’t edit this enough to express the unnecessary obviousness of the quote
Trimspa baby!
I dunno, she had it made. Find an old rich fucker and stick it out til they die, and inherit the money. I’d do it… sadly.
But ah well, she died. Other than being tabloid news what was she good for?
Well…I guess ET and and all those shows that act like the rest of the world gives a shit about Hollywood as being news will have their hands full now. My mom was watching it the other day when i stopped by and they were doing a whole story on her paternity battle.
But like all great attention whores…she died young to be in the news and talked about even more…
I still would have poked the skinny anna nicole all day…and you all would too.
Thats a VERY good point. I didnt look at it that way.
There is no money.
The judgement was reduced from $400M -> 89M -> 0.00. Then the old guys son died, and she was still pursuing legal action to lay claim to ANY of the remaining money.
Ever since I first heard about her discovery, I CANNOT GET THE FUCKING SONG OUT OF MY HEAD!
“Anna Anna Anna… Anna Nicoooole, You’re so OUTRAGEOUS” :ham: