Anna Nicole Smith

i wouldnt kick her out of my bed. Maybe the daughter will be hott too… with less problemz.

im pretty sure she got alot of money since the surpeme court ruled in her favor.

right on!!!

I’m pretty sure that You are wrong and haven’t read any of the 11ty4 articles online today with regards to this broad.

The U.S. Supreme Court decided in September 2005 to hear the appeal of that decision. The Bush Administration subsequently directed the Solicitor General to intercede on Smith’s behalf out of an interest to expand federal court jurisdiction over state probate disputes.
After months of waiting, Smith and her stepson Pierce learned of the Supreme Court’s decision on May 1, 2006. The justices unanimously decided in favor of Smith. Justice Ginsberg wrote the majority opinion, stating that Smith should get a chance to pursue her claims in federal court.

This decision does not give Smith a portion of her husband’s estate; it merely affirms her right to pursue a share of it in federal court. The long-running legal drama is unlikely to end any time soon, because many remaining issues need to be decided upon remand. The most important issue is which judgment deciding the issues is first in time, Texas Probate or Federal District Court.

On June 20, 2006, E. Pierce Marshall died at age 67 after an infection. His widow, Elaine T. Marshall, now represents his estate.

The case has been remanded to the 9th Circuit to adjudicate the remaining appellate issues not previously reached.

After Smith’s death, it is not known who will represent her estate in the ongoing legal battle, or any rights her daughter may have (paternity tests had been ordered, but there had been no action by Smith).


It’s the NYSpeed way. We don’t have time to read facts, we are too busy talk out of our asses kinda like that new ESPN News commercial :hay:

It doesn’t matter what CNN says.

I kind of liked Anna Nicole. She was so fucked up, but it was good entertainment. I liked her show too. And I thought she was pretty, even when she was fat as shit.

She made one hell of a life for herself. That’s all I gotta say.

And it’s too bad she was so young. And now her daughter has nothing. :frowning:

except a trust fund

Pancakes?!?!! WHERE!

Ive gotta agree with Rick on this one. Yeah it sucks she died young but the sad truth is her kid is probably much better off not being exposed to her fucked up lifestyle anymore.

Porkchop sandwiches?


Hey, what are you wankers doing on my lawn.

OOOOOoooooooohhhhhh I’m a Body Massage MachineGO!

body massage!!

uhhhh what the hell