Anon declares war on Scientology

Anonymous have started there war on Scientology by DDoS attacks, faxing them black sheets of paper, phone calls, and are now google bombing. This is the early phases and more to some. They have already leaked out a 16 CD set on the Internet that Scientology sells for $15,000.

The google bombs

A Message to Scientology

And we did it for the lulz

CoS Orientation Video:

Attempt at answers:

For those on OT:

4chan and the “Anons” are fucking brutal. :tspry:

I’ve been following it on OT for the past 9 hours or so and helped out in the attack a little.

Have you listed to the CDs or watch the orientation?

Holy hell…

I really had no idea about the details of this ‘religion’ as of late. Wow.

I’ve seen a lot of the material that was been posted. This is no religion this is a cult that has tax exception. People need to open up there eyes and get past there propaganda


<3 those guys


If there is anyway I can support this, please let me know

Finally figured out how to read the site, nvm.

from my understanding of it like many religions…there is the extreme side of things, which is what is publicized. Then there is the ‘normal’ side which is your average Joe going to church

anything interesting on the cds?

who/what is “Anonymous” and what is their agenda?

Just like the catholic church.

idk I was on IRC talking to a bunch of these kids earlier…amateur hour over there.

Its just everyone on 4chan. Someone gets an idea, and posts it on 4chan and others band together and do what ever. So if you wanted to… you could be part of it if you wanted to

the whole idea is that they all have the same “forum name” and its just Anon

Yea it seriously always is, there are like 2 or 3 that cause all the cool damage

what is 4chan?

there is a wiki article, don’t go to the actual place at work. It usually contains nudity and just gross shit as well as underage porn lol

thats the actual link to it… VERY NWS

Shits brutal remember hearing about this being planned a few days ago. Should be interesting.

umm go buy a bible for $10 a read everything you want to the religion unlike scientology who wants you to spend $300,000 to find out about lord Xenu.

that’s kind of crazy! I can’t believe I’ve never heard of 4chan before.