has anybody else been watching this i think its so sweet heres their new video they have done such funny stuff to like put nazi symbols in that habbohotel game for younger kids, they have a few other video’s up on youtube also i’ll post them in a second
they are esentially a terrorist group. they hate scientolagy for some reason and they have been hacking the scientolagy sites and posting video’s of conferences that people shouldnt see because it blatently shows that its a cult and they are trying to make money, they are basically computer genious’ that are pissed off for whatever reason, like the video said they are just normal people with everyday lives and this is what they do like a second lifestyle. They do seem serious tho, they have threatened to blow up buildings and stadiums for attention and to be taken seriously, they are just emerging and have been doing whatever they can to try and gain media coverage, including hacking habbohotel and posting swastica’s all over the place. They have shown no signs of racism however these signs were merely to gain attention because of their infamacy. Personally i support them destroying scientolagy and showing people that they are being tricked
Yeah i watched the first 3 videos and they seemed serious, kinda scary if you think about it. Oh and their little like symbol/picture is so gangster lol with the suits and no heads fits their title, quite catchy. :runaway
i know its sick, i wish i had computer hacking skills i would totally help them with this :mwahaha are there even scientology centers in albany? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFBZ_uAbxS0&feature=related heres a video showing how nuts tom is plus it has he mission impossible song in the backround :lol
id post some stuff from scientology.org but apparently its down so it was probably hacked have you ever seen that south park on scientology, funny right? its sad that thats absolutely 100% true, it costs $250,000 just to hear their big message, it takes years of therapy thats fake that you have to pay for and you have to give a ton of your income to them, its a cult and they are fucking crazy
The central practice of Scientology is “auditing,” a one-on-one session with a Scientology counselor or “auditor.” Most auditing uses an E-meter, a device that measures minute changes in electrical resistance through the body when a person holds metal cans and a small current is passed through them; it supposedly helps locate an area of concern.[75] Participants usually must pay hundreds of dollars for this service.[76][77]
In the auditing process, the practitioner (referred to as a “preclear” or PC) discloses specific traumatic incidents, prior ethical transgressions and bad decisions, which are said to collectively restrict the preclear from achieving his or her goals and lead to the development of a “reactive mind.” In one form of auditing, the auditor asks the preclear to respond to a list of questions in strict order. The preclear is supposed to be “a willing and interested participant who understands the questions” and what is going on.[78] Auditors are not to suggest, interpret, degrade or invalidate the answers.[79] Scientologists claim that benefits from auditing include improved IQ, improved ability to communicate and enhanced memory.[80] These claims have not been tested by any published clinical trial.
During the auditing process, the auditor may collect personal information from the person being audited. Auditing records are referred to within Scientology as “PC (preclear) folders” and are said to be stored securely when not being added to during auditing sessions.[81]Auditors promise never to use secrets divulged in a session for punishment or personal gain.[78]
Training is the supervised process of learning and applying Scientology and auditing, is considered as important as auditing,[82] and follows a checklist that indicates which of Hubbard’s writings and lectures are to be studied. The student must demonstrate mastery of each topic in turn to get a pass in the checklist item.[82]
Scientology training consists of Academy Levels 0-IV and New Era Dianetics, also termed Academy Level V. The first five levels take two weeks each on a 40-hours-per-week schedule.[83]Level VI, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, is done at special advanced organizations and comprises 16 individual checklists, each requiring an average of three to four weeks of study, and covering in total 12,000 pages of materials and 450 lectures.[84] Participants usually must pay hundreds of dollars for these services