I think I have a cult next door...

This story is not interesting, I’m venting… Be warned

So ever since I’ve worked here, theres been a storefront next to us occupied by a bunch of weirdos. Their windows are blocked off, they come in big groups sometimes you hear nothing from them, other times like the past month all you hear is them playing/rehearsing the same fucking song from literally 10am till about 3-4pm, they never come out except maybe to run to the store quickly. I’ve taken a quick glance inside when the doors are open and in the front part all you see is some exercise equipment and a few other odds and ends laying around.

They have a “leader” a head guy if you will, who resembles charles manson, no joking. I’ve heard him on the phone a few times speaking of hiding out because the cops are looking for him. They also rent out the building across the street, you see some cars over their from time to time but he never goes over there. Couple people have said they’ve seen a bunch of people in “toga” like outfits walk in there, and believe it was some sort of swingers party.

They’ve been leaching off our Open wireless connection we have for quite some time now, but today it was ridiculous how slow it got, so I decided to kick them off, only to find that they were changing settings in the router, so I kicked everyone off and renamed the router to “Problem?” and passworded it. Now if only I could somehow make a trollface picture come up when they tried to connect to it.

There is something fishy going on over there, always playing that same fucking song, they ALL have laptops and used to use our wireless, now they have none to use unless they have air cards.

Sometimes I think they’re killing people over there, making snuff films, and the music in the background is that dramatic shit that goes on while they’re chopping up some state street hooker while smearing each other in blood…

lets throw fireworks inside when the doors open…

or send jellies in as an undercover operative…he’s got the in’s w/ the linens…correct?

That sounds entertaining. Fiber optic cameras + covert mission gogo!

So dress up in a Toga and join the swinger party.

Don’t think the wifey would approve :lol

That’s the purpose of being secretive. You don’t tell her ya knuckle head. And think about how much more you’ll love her after you cheat on her. Proven.

:rofl @ Problem? + troll face

holy jesus :rofl

Oh dude, you’d love what goes on here… I walk in one day to some POS computer that was giving us issues, I open up the side and my boss printed out a giant troll face and put it on the inside. :rofl

I printed out a tiny one and covered his optics on his mouse before I left for the night…

Also put a troll face in the toilet and proceeded to use clear scotch tape very stealthly in the back to hold the toilet seat down :rofl:rofl

Sounds like stuff we do to each other here at work…although we do more physical damage such as getting bruises across the back from being slapped with those gel wrist pads (I was an intern then and turned my back instinctively), getting hit in the eye by a cardboard “ninja star” and having a welt from it for a few days, cracking laptop screens with bottles of soda that were kicked during our ‘football field goal game’, throwing rolls of seran wrap at each other and one dude saying “I’ll catch it with my teeth” and then almost being knocked out by the roll because his hands were behind his back, etc. lol.

I did the tape over optics thing a couple of times. I exacto knife it just right so you can’t even see it there lol.

LMAO, your wife/gf must love you

Violence is not something baby jesus approves of. Sinner.

That sounds hilarious. notify the police that they’re stealing your wireless so they can bust in and see the deal…well worth it.

thats just sketchy as hell lol. so weird

Sounds like my office.

Shady, print out a giant “Secret Cult of Bambi Lovers: Now recruiting!” sign and post it next to their door.

It was open and listed as open. If they somehow manage to break teh encryption keys then I will do so.

Sounds like the “church” here in Cobleskill, corner of Washington and Main. Its some kind of secret group or something, no one goes in or out during the day it seems, only at night, and only men. Its probably some gay romper room or something :lol

i’m gonna start hanging out with you at work.

where is this place they got? I remember a group of people that used to come into the gym that i went to. they came in at like 11 30 pm and played volleyball. like some church group or something. the guy that was their leader was short and a bit chunky, almost looked like Silent Bob with glasses and no hat. full beard and long dark hair. a bunch of fuckin creepos if you ask me. that sound like the guy?

OMG IT DOES, except he’s not Chunky looking… hes pretty slim well at least now

and Eaton its right in crecent commons plaza on Route 9, You should know where it is, I’ve seen you in the stang drive past quite a few times