I want to know about the Freemasons

Educate me.

Watch the A&E special it is insane the theories and the truths that they have about these people. You really are bored aren’t you!

someone was watching national treasure…

if i tell you i will have to kill you

They will ask you, you don’t ask them

I have always been rather curious about the group. The whole deal sounds rather interesting for the most part.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry FWIW

i want to be one… i just dont know 2 of them to get me in

I am bored…Ill have to DVR that A&E special.

yeah you do you just dont know that they are freemasons, they wont talk about it unless they know you are a member.

LOL seeing as a large number of them keep a sticker on their car and certain members wear a ring.

i believe you are thinking of the kiwanis club, or maybe rotary.

meals on wheels perhaps?


LOL no cruise around a military post some time. EVERYWHERE!!! OMG THEY ARE IN MY ROOM!!!

If you know someone that is in they wont like stab you if you bring it up. Although I have seen it lead to some very uncomfortable conversation. If anyone really wants in best bet is to know someone in and express interest in joining without directly asking. If you get in to trouble often, bad reputation, not in good character you probably will not be allowed in even if someone brings you.


I am sure you actually do as stated.

While driving to DC last month I went by a “Free Masons Meeting Center”, lol.

I guess that towns chapter didn’t get the “lets be secret” memo.

It has been like that almost everywhere I have lived besides Buffalo. Hell the one in Tacoma lights up the fucking sign at night and is in the middle of a bar strip. But really if you know the symbol you will see the temples here and there.

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecturally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday.

My Dad is a master mason.

wheres muh envight?


You’re on fire today