NXIVM: Your local neighborhood cult.

Some of you may remember close to 2 years ago now I made a thread about the bunch of weirdos next to my shop here and finding out they were a group called NXIVM (Nexium)

A self enlightenment group focused on behavioral manipulation to make you a better person.

Anyways, the times union did a 4 part series talking about the different aspects of NXIVM and how fucked up it really is. This shit really is creepy for me as I have exchanged a few words here and there with the “Vanguard” :lol (AKA Keith Ranerie) before I knew what was going on when I’d see him standing outside waiting for one of his girlfriends to come pick him up.

This guys a ridiculously smart fucked up individual who prays on the weak. Thankfully I think they have been out of this plaza for a few months now but really wanna see this scumbag in jail.


Its some long reading, but i’ve always been fascinated by fucked up individuals like this group so it was quite intriguing for me, i guess more so because some of this was going on literally next door to me

i read it aswell. have been keeping up with any NXIVM news for yrs. i cant believe nobody has just kicked this guys ass. just cant let him see ur face…bc he will be a bitch and bring u to court lol