Anonymity vs. Dozer

how 'bout it tommy?:stuck_out_tongue:

civic vs. civic?

Hmm… Not enough drama for a callout thread haha. Specs on civics?

old vs new

I dunno, my $$ is on Hutch.

Oh geeze…Dozr and I can’t even drive on the same street without running our slow dailies. Such a pathetic display. :slight_smile:

three way? high way? why no DOzer reply?

cause hes pussy wipped. and comeon… honda vs honda. welcome to 5 years ago.

dan you down for some ice racing this winter? if it ever gets cold again.?

as long as I get to be on the right side. I don’t want you accidently turning left after the first 500 feet!




OK, conekiller!*edit i just rem that.

it is ON b*tch, i might even take out the child seat. use that new apple phone and set a time and date… that is unless it is not working…


Actually made me laugh!!

edit bump…

That is true…not even married yet.

If my stock legacy with 400,000 km on the clock wins you’ll both fall into a deep depression. I can’t have that on my conscience so you’ll to keep it a twosome.

oh - ok , still waiting on his apple phone to boot so he can call me.

I believe my apple phone is still waiting for you to call me back from the other day.

civics ftw

apple anything ftl

OT i know, lol

Dan I’ll race ya…you’ll get a 15 car lead…

Gary, I think it’s a 20 car lead.


HAHA…Thats my cousins episode…HAHAHA

EDIT* My cousin was NOT on the honda squad.

the dude on the right reminds me of a younger… fatter chuck

Lol I have been watching a lot of speed lately… but the offer would still be pretty adequate.