another burning building on 190?

they just got a call on S&R about it…anyone got any info?

one caller said it looked like it was coming from the casino’s direction

My office window looks out that way and I can’t see shit…

to all the geniuses sitting on the side of the thruway: Thank you so much for backing up traffic for miles and in turn making me late for work. I wonder what could possibly posess you to sit there on the side of the road and SERIOUSLY delay traffic. Did you think you were helping the BFD? Did you feel that since you saw the fire, it was your obligation to stop and watch the building burn and pretend that somehow, your presence there would help deescelate the situation. Let me guess what you were all saying to eachother…“well, i was driving, and then i saw it, so i stopped.” "O my god me too! I think im gonna call my loved ones and let them know that a building miles away from them is burning and that they should be careful if they come this way because traffic is really backed up because im an IGNORANT FUCKIN DOUCHE WHO LIKES TO PULL TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD AND WATCH A BUILDING BURN JUST FOR THE FUCK OF IT!!!


basically ya


Dane Cook is a faggit. I wish HE would burn in a building on the 190.

so whats burning?


Some building on Larkin and Exchange. WIVB has a story about it.


NYSpeed is not your only source for local news…

Updated: June 5, 2008 03:54 PM EDT

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) - Buffalo firefighters are on the scene of a two alarm fire.

The fire started in a building on Larkin Street, near Exchange Street.

Firefighters are closing off Exchange and Seneca Streets in the area near the fire.

We’ll have the latest on News 4 at 5 and

well maybe i dont fucking want a local news source and i didnt plan on wanted to hear about this until it was brought up on this sweet forum ok nikuk? lol

:slight_smile: lyou


Just saw it on the news, as well as a fire on Humboldt.

Seriously. The idiots parked on the side of the 190 are fucking RETARDED. And they nearly caused a huge accident a few cars ahead of me.

You could see the smoke literally a few minutes after the GI bridge coming back to buffalo

refer to post 3

38 minutes in.