Fire on Niagara st. Blocked off 190

On my way home from work at about 8:30 last night, the Northbound 190 lanes were blocked off from before the Peace bridge and I wasn’t sure why. All I saw was that a decent portion of the neighborhood was being blocked off since I couldn’t even take Niagara street up.

Get home, thought nothing of it, then this morning, I come back down the 190 and they are still there putting out the damn fire that took down a building on Niagara St. There was literally a waterfall flowing from the rubble from being fought by the FD for hours upon hours.

Anyone see this during the worse part of it?

I could see the smoke from rice road on the 219

I was fishing near the Huntley power plant around 6:30 and you could see huge plume of smoke covering most of the city then. That was just before they got it under control for the 2nd time.

On my way to Tonawanda around 5:45pm there was a smokey smelling haze on the 290 near Millersport so that smoke spread over a huge area.

yeah I saw that on the 6 o’clock news yesterday. it was at that pool supply company. the fire commish was saying they would likely be there all night

lol i’m glad i turned down the job there a few months back hah

I saw / smelled it near UB South on my way home yesterday. I freaked the fuck out for a minute :ohnoes:

:tup: To firefighters.

That shit rekindled overnight, according to the radio this a.m.

yeah pretty nasty, i wish they could of directed that cloud of noxious smoke over the east side.



we were all watching the smoke cloud from the HSBC center yesterday morning, pretty cool.

A neighbor of mine works there, and he was telling me the place used to be a machine shop for many many years. He said you could see the wood beams were soaked with oil.

Damn, thats crazy

yea i had to split from my apt. down in buffalo…the smell was fawkin horrible…nitroinsane calls me and goes “hey does your apartment smell like burning?” and i went no why did you start it on fire for me? he then told me about the fire probably ~12 pm…by 2 o’clock i couldnt stand it anymore so i peaced to the rents house in scamherst, but still smelled it lol…

there’s something wrong with me. I apparently need to sleep more since I never even saw the smoke, or could smell anything at all. And I practically drove right by it.

i’ve been very out of it. lol

the smell was terrible at my work