Seven Alarm Fire - Niagara Lubricants

Anyone have anymore info on this? Are you close to it? Pictures or videos?

Four alarms means it’s a pretty big deal.

No info here but wow that sounds pretty nasty. In for pics.

I could see the smoke from the GI bridge on my way in to work and figured it was something bad as there aren’t any smoke stacks in that area that should be causing that. Sure enough, oil company on fire. That’s not cool.

I’m a couple blocks away now and its still smokeing good! Last I heard they pulled firemen out cause it was pretty bad with stuff exploding. But that is hear say and I’ll try to get some updates…

Live feed from wgrz.

I saw it from the 190 north, and got off at grant to drive by it an hour ago… just smokey, no firey eyecandy

I live right on the other side of the tracks from this. I just went in the yard and theres still HUGE black smoke clouds coming out and its close to 1pm.
helicopters are flying around. This sh*t is crazy.

Thanks for the pics Skurge. Where are they from? Crazy how it’s still going and it’s an oil company of all things.

Btw hondadriver - nice avatar!

Its worse now and I heard they are getting the foam truck from the airport.

foam trucks from KBUF and from the niagara falls airbase.
Guess the explosions you’re hearing are propane tanks.

Hell yeah

Anybody know what equipment shows up to a 4 alarm fire in the city? Wikipedia lays out a basic response and two alarm, three alarm, etc., but no information for a four alarm.

I think after a four alarm it turns into a general alarm and that means all available personnel and equipment show up - only happened once, in 1954 for the Larkin Building fire. Not to get all sad, but my grandfather was a city firefighter for 30 years and could have easily told me but he unfortunately isn’t around to do so anymore.

No offense dude, but go fuck yourself. There is nothing entertaining about an almost 100 year old business going up in flames, and almost 3 dozen people losing there livelihoods. I’ve worked at niagara lubricants since highschool, I am second generation and a number of my family including myself just lost everything. Not to mention the founders family who has been there for 5 generations, or the 30 some other people who worked there. If you want to know about the business you can visit our webpage.

Whoa there, I think he was just speaking in general terms. Not “Man I really wanted to see Niagara Lubricants on fire.” Anyway sucks to hear…any details on the cause?


Im sorry about my previous comment but as you can imagine Im a bit upset.

I was gonna make a smart ass comment like “tell us how you really feel” or something. But then I read that you actually work there. Things might be tough for awhile, but if your company had enough insurance everything will be fine. That’s why we buy insurance, because these things happen. You can probably collect unemployment for a bit, and then when the company uses the insurance money to rebuild you should be able to get your job back.

Let’s just be happy no one was hurt, at least not yet. I’m worried for the firefighters - like I said, my grandfather was one.

That was my first guess, without any info really. Hate hearing about local businesses moving/shutting down let alone burning down. Hoping everyone was OK in the building.

Check the feed now. The place is burning HARD. It almost looks like an adjacent building is on fire.

Jesus that thing is really going now.