Another crash in the 240 scene...

I personally think if you had coils or any stiffer suspension the outcome would have been worse. But good to hear you and your dad are all right.

Staying in the scene i hope.

Care to enlighten me on the affects of stiffer suspension? It would be good knowledge in the future.

As for staying in the scene? Probably. I mean, it will take a while for me to save up a little more money in the future, and find a 1990 240 hatch base w/ an automatic tranny in charcoal gray, but I’ll be back…

Jammin1911, I understand exactly what you meant. Its still running in my head, that if I just let the car smash into the wall, at least the front end of the car would’ve been fucked, and there wouldn’t be any reason to go to the hospital for surgery or have the car totaled…

IMO, stiffer suspension means carrying more momentum, since less energy is lost in saggy suspension and load transfer. For example, for the frequent drifters on Nelson at shannonville, corner 3 has a slight altitude drop, so when drivers enter sideways i find that with softer suspension you can carry in higher entry speed cause the softer suspension saps alot of energy from the transfer of the load and the car slows down at higher angle whereas; if a car with coils entered at the same speed and angle it would just slide off the track. Imagine you were on coils and you reacted every bit the same way in this incident. IMO your car would have no suspension travel to dampen, carry greater speed and it would just hit the cracks and holes in the road like a brick as opposed to having the suspension dampen and take away some of the kinetic energy and the impact could have flipped the car as opposed to just rolling over. But then again its just theory, the more experienced guys can expand on this point or criticize it.


glad to hear you are alright. get well soon.

r.i.p. anouther 90 240sx
she did her job and kept you guys alive.

Ah, okay. Gotcha. Its kind of like grade 12 physics where you learn about the dynamics of an egg. Basically, you can’t catch it in your hand and expect it to be in one piece, you need a “cushion” for it.


weaves92240, my dad got roughly 50 stitches.

Ryan, thanks :slight_smile:

240sx, she did do her job. I can only thank her for that. My dad’s still here, so that’s all that matters. I’ve seen other cars that looked safer but fared much worse in an even smaller accident than ours.

And as I said above, she still looks happy, knowing that we both came out alive:

I still remember as if it were yesterday, that I was cruising down by the lake, the breeze in my hair, the music playing, the uncomfortable seats, terrible suspension, all was nothing to complain about. All it is now is the feeling of “perfect”.

I can only hope that days like these, a charcoal gray 1990 240SX hatch, automatic, and a strong KA can be experienced once again… Right now, the driveway feels incomplete. Though three’s a crowd, there’s still a void…

What a touching post :frowning: Anyway, glad to here you came out fine. :smiley:

glad everyone’s fine and good luck on getting
a new car.
Maybe someone will sympathize and give you a discount on a 240 :wink:

Haha, not looking for sympathy, man. Just wanted to let people know what our cars are made of, and to give note to a pretty dangerous driving spot.

To those that go to the east end, you may have been to Petticoat creek, perhaps to take your kids to the park there, etc. There’s a similar road going north on Whites Rd. to the conservation area. That road has a few sets of speed bumps. I propose that Durham region if not repairing the road in the area, install speed bumps…

hey miki, glad to hear you and your dad’s alright. Make sure you stop by the kc meets once you back on track. take care man.


Yeah… For sure. I’ll make it out to the KC meets. Even though I’m living in the west end now, I belong in the east.

Once my dad gets better, I’ll bring him along as well.

I’m happy you & your pap’s alive from that bro.
A car can be bought and replaced anytime, but no life can.

I know the feeling you get when u connect with your car, a higher power was watching over alongside the car :slight_smile:

^^ Exactly

Softer suspension essentially will give you more grip, resulting in not flying off the track sideways and maintaining the high speed you entered in.

softer suspension = more grip
stiffer = less grip

A lot of drifters I know run their rear coils full stiff, but for me, however, I actually prefer to run them almost FULL soft. I like having the grip when I need it and I’m sure other drivers can attest to that as well.

Another MAJOR factor in keeping speed while being sideways are tires, and for that reason alone is why I drift on brand new tires that I know have the consistency that suits my style. In the beginning I’ve drifted on used tires behind tire shops like everyone else, but none of them would hold grip while going sideways at a fast speed. I would always spin out or slide right off the track like it were Ice. It wouldn’t be driver error, it’s just the speed surpasses the limits of the tire and once that happens, there is no going back.

I rather have the grip there then not there, because there are always ways to break traction but there are 0 ways to gain traction when you have none left.

PS: I’m glad XSNRGE and you’re dad came out alright!!

Alright, it makes sense. I got it.

or just don’t suck.

sorry to hear that. that car was clean, saw it a couple of weeks ago. glad everyone is allright

holy shit how did i miss this thread?! im glad to hear you and your dad are OK miki. that really sucks though man… I think you have the worst luck of anyone i know… but the best luck too because most wouldnt walk away from that accident.

Goood luck finding another grey hatch brother!