We were just coming home from Standard Auto Wreckers and took 5th Concession, hoping to get off at Westney and go home.
I was driving at around 60-65 km/h, the road was wet and dry, somewhat patchy, at the same time, very unmaintained. It was very bumpy. Going down the hill, I turned right and the rear end of the car bounced and wanted to come around. I countersteered but by that time, the front end of the car was already headed toward the hillside. I was hoping that the car would either crash or climb up the hill, but instead, it climbed at an angle and just rolled over. The car fell on the rear passenger-side corner and then rolled over on the passenger side (as you can tell by the passenger pillars being bent). We slid down the hill for a good couple of meters until we finally stopped. I was stuck in my seatbelt and too far in the back of the car to reach the steering wheel. I pushed on the roof of the car (now on the ground) to take my weight off the seatbelt and unclipped it.
I couldn’t get the door opened so I rolled down the window and kicked it out. I got out and no one was there, turned around, no one still. Turned back the other way and saw a guy in a gray VW Jetta. He had a green shirt on and was calling 911. I looked in the car to try to get my dad out, but I couldn’t get to him. I looked around again and saw people coming from the top of the hill. One lady was a registered nurse. I looked down at the car and miraculously, my dad was able to free himself and get out.
My dad was bleeding from the back of the head, as well as the left side of his face. He couldn’t get up, so we told him to stay down and gave him warm clothing and covered the wounds with shirts. A while later, a cop car came in, followed by a firetruck and then an ambulance. A second ambulance came a little while later…
Here’s a brief breakdown of the incident:

The road looks simple and innocent, but it truly is unforgiving…

Here you can see where the front end started climbing up the hill. You can also see the big gash on the ground where the rear end started grinding on the pavement.

Absorb-all and trail of blood still on the ground:

This pic was taken last Sunday:

We would encourage anyone driving this road to drive much slower than necessary, especially in an FR car like ours.

He she sits smiling – Happy to know that both of us came out alive.