Another down...


oh jesus. :shrug:

its not just sport bikers, its everyone. i have been riding for a month now which has caused me to be more aware when driving but also i see asshats every day ride like they are the only ones on the road like a group of about 5 doing about 90 through the 198 in the middle of the day this week.

on the way to my girlfriends, i watched some guy prolly mid 40s - 50s going down twin cities weaving in his own lane and then suddenly cutting over infront of a car with no signal or anything. luckily the car was paying attention or the guy would have been thrown off and run over.

at least the guys stable

he’s in the stable?

w/ the horses?

he’s liable to get 'imself killed!

I graduated highschool with the girl who pulled in front of him… yikes

Just thought i’d add to this thread… I just got notice that in roughly the same spot, someone on a sport bike tried to wheelie through the intersection, successfully dumping in the middle of it. This was about an hour ago.
That’s all I know at this point, so I’ll let others post more details of the asshattery.

edit: apparently he’s fine minus the lack of skin on his hand, and lack of functioning brain cells.

wasnt me, but on the 198 a motorcycle pulled out in front of me while i was on my motorcycle… i was hard on the brakes, he finally noticed me, im certain he shit his pants… he seemed like mr. safety on his vstar600… (hope i dont know him, lol)


that pony got away from him!