Another n00b with a Stang!

Hey, my name is Doug and I’m a raceaholic. My ride is an '84 Mustang GT that is somewhat factory with some mods. Don’t really cruise with it but I like to take it to the strip! Oh, and it’s REALLY slow! :lolsign:
Some of you may know he from Rochester Racing, NYStangs and MOMS as EHA Racing.
Oh, I live in North Collins and work in Buffalo!

Welcome Aboard!

Quite a few four-eyed fans around here. :tup:

looks weak :gotme:

Yeah, it’s a little underpowered!! :rimshot:


Photochopped, :tdown: This car doesn’t do wheelies!

Welcome abroad!

SShhhhh! Don’t tell anybody dipshit! I wanted all these nice people to think I was cool! :meh2:

It must have a Chevy motor. :slight_smile:

It used to but when I tried to start it the car actually choked a little and then shit the whole engine right through the muffler. It was amazing. You definately should have been there!!

heart a clean 4eyed

hey dude…u need a proof pic it goes on the street!

Oooh Oooh, I just happen to have some that a handsome devil from Rochester took!

It was marking it’s territory like a Grizzly!

so hows that tranny? I was reading on MOMs how it lost 2nd after that awesome wheelie

All set. The line pressure was through the roof and blew the 2nd gear band off. After a little valve body surgery by Joe Musso the thing is back in action. Oh, and it blew during the wheelie LOL
Wait, didn’t we determine that was photochopped?? :ohyeah:

It was sitting up on jackstands. You just edited them out somehow.

Are you going to the MOMs event tomorrow? I’m up in the air about it

As long as the rain holds out!

WOW! Nice car. I am really impressed at the quality of all of the new guys!

Welcome aboard, hope to see you and the ride out soon.

sweet car! looks…“Healthy” :slight_smile: