Another PUR Auto BBQ

PUR is doing another open-house style barbecue. Tomorrow, (Wednesday), October 29th – 5pm to whenever.

On their behalf I’m inviting all SON members to come hang out.

I don’t expect big numbers like two weeks ago on account of the weather but it’s always warm inside the shop.

Located on Markham Rd in Toronto, first lights south of Finch on the west side of Markham rd.

Same plaza as the McDonalds.

Come chill and grab some grub.

u forgot one important thing. the date and time.

When is it though?

Oct 29 – 5pm to 9 pm

oops, sorry ^^ yeah, that!

ill be there mike

Damn, why always on wednesdays. The only weekday I work, bummer.

I’ll probably come out for a bit with Rabbit and Brian. We have a meeting at GPK at 11pm tho, then free karting :smiley:

EXACTLY why is everything on wednesdays wtf

It’s obvious that they don’t want you to come. :stuck_out_tongue: