SON BBQ / Spring Meet

Hey… was just thinking…

It would be cool if we could have a nice big SON Spring BBQ to celebrate the nice weather and kick off the start of 2009.

It would be a nice way for for the whole SON240sx communtiy to get together and for all the newcomers to a chance to meet each other.

Burgers, hot dogs, beer… that kinda thing…
Try and plan it for a Sunday lunch time / afternoon

It would be nice to hold somewhere that is relatively local for most people.
Obviously somewhere in the GTA.
Markham, Richmond Hill, Thorinhill, Vaughn, Woodbride, Brampton, Mississauga

Im not sure if anyone has a big enough property to hold such a get-together…
I would be happy to host it but I live in a townhouse
Maybe we could even do it at a park that also has a large parking lot for everyone.
I would be happy to bring a BBQ


PLease give some feedback on what you all think of this idea!

I’d be down, Park = No beer though. Which doesn’t really bother me considering we all have to drive there and back from the meet. I know last year we were going to have a meet down at the beaches in Pickering…I forget what the local guys called the beach specifically, but they said it would be great for a BBQ

great idea if someone can organize it il be up for it and will ring some freinds.

I think that would be a good day. BBQ mmmmm. I’m hungry right now. So this is a bad topic LOL.

I know there are some decent parks on lake shore in Mississauga/T.O with big parking lots. But they are almost always busy.

Yeah, I was just going to suggest Jack Darling Park on Lakeshore but that place is hella packed on the weekends… hard enough to find a parking spot for one car alone.


^Obviously BYOM, no ones gunna share theirs with you.

Unless OSAD comes.

I think finding a nice park would be best. But once it gets real nice out, they fill up really quick on the weekends.

we’ll have to go get spots at 5 am

im definitely up for this

we just gotta get there early and have a designated parking spot blocked off and have a group of picnic tables al set near the lot.

^Can we do that? I’d assume youd need some kind of permit to actually block off parking spaces.

If not, I’d be in for holding down parking spots in Bluffers Park. (Scarborough area) They have BBQ’s on premisis already, but it gets pretty busy on the weekends.

how bout Earl Bales Park on Bathurst Street?

it’s got lots of big lots and huge outdoor spaces and around wooded\forest area lol, I’m sure some of the Vaughan peeps (maple, thornhill, richmond hill, etc) have been there @ some point…I remember the bonfire, parties last summer haha.

it’s not too far either, check it out.

4155 Bathurst Street, North York, Ontario

Ill bring hotdogs

lol fuck you! haha

korean bbq style it is!

MmMmmmm, Kalbi

BYOM would be kinda gay…

Id rather just one or a few by all the meat and work it out to like $1 hotdogs and $2 hamburgers or something just so its not just one person paying to feed everyone/

Unless… Someone wants to sponsor the event and buy the food and drinks??..

yeah, that place is pretty good, but gets very busy on a hot sunny day.


i know peterbrough is kinda far but its a decent drive and we have two ok beaches with large parking spaces i believe about 50 at on and 80 at another then we could do a small cruise out highway 7 and i now the back roads can draw up a map for every one and have a nice 2hour cruise and bbq i can bring one as i live here if any wants to consider that

and with a population of only 70,000ppl its never really busy