East End Meet?

Anyone interested in an east end meet in the spring? Durham/scarborough area? I havn’t seen any meets in this region and im sure there are a few people that would be interested.


im down…

Im in.

i’m down… too i’m around vic park and eglinton area


which day? and time?

im at st. clair and pharmacy alot of the time so let me know when

i’m down with that…what dates were u guys thinking and where?

Me to, lets have it in oshawa:D

whoa… oshawa? that’s a bit of a trek… lol


i veto that

kennady commons mall?? Or w/e at the tim hortons, there is usually tnc meets there on saturday but now its cold they dont have em, or even at comerence gates in richmond hill but that is a hike too…but they do have a wicked underground parking lot. behind lovegety or w/e arcade

hahaha…not another timmy’s meet!
Kennedy commons has too many young punks…got a windshield broken by some idiots throwing rocks at parked cars,
thank God I was in the movie at the time and didn’t catch them…
if I ever found out who did it…

sooo dead

my friend’s integra also got stolen in that lot too…
but then…integra’s are stolen all the time shrugs

you guys get any trouble with the popo when organizing these meets? just out of curiousity

that sucks to hear about your windshield… I can’t really say if cops give people trouble at kenney commons cause I’ve only been a few times. But I say we hit up ashbridges bay, I think that would be nice in the spring time.


good call
or cherry beach, they just renovated the parking lot…really nice

where’s cherry beach? brand new re-done parking lots are hot… haha


im in… if my car ever runs…

Well I was thinking sometime in the spring when some of out cars come out of storage. I was the origonal creator of this thread by the way lol. Oshawa is a little to far east and im not just being biased, I’m from Whitby. I know a lot of 240’s are from scarborough, so I think Pickering or scarborough would be fair. If anyone has any more ideas on location post them up. Kennedy Commons would be… ok…I guess…And ashbridges bay seems way too far.

How is the pickering/scarborough lake front? I have never been there before

i’ll bring out my gtir depending on the date

good idea… im in… cherry beach sounds good.
