So im sure some of you remember the ordeal between my ex and I . Posted it awhile back. Anyway the other night I get an email from her telling me how she really messed up and she still loves me and how she wants me back and shit. Then she comes over and talks with my grandparents while im not home. So when I get home all I hear is, Adam, you need to get back with that girl, she loves you, you know. This is why i’m writing this post.
The shit didn’t work out for a reason. I was nothing but the best b/f to her for 5 years and then one day she decides, fuck Adam. I have new friends, so im going to go party and fuck every guy that want’s to sleep with me. Then she realizes that these friends, aren’t really friends. And now she lost those freinds and me and is alone so shes scared. What does she do? Come running back to me. BULLSHIT.
I am happier right now than I have ever been. I’m running into pussy more than I ever though was possible other than being a porn star. Seriously I have had sex more being single than I did in that fucking relationship.
So yea I have no idea why I posted this, expecially here but I just needed to vent. Sorry I took 5 minutes of your life. :idiots
How the hell is that emo? That’s the furthest thing from emo ever. :lol
Now if I was whining saying how no-one loves me and I want to cut my wrists THAT would be emo. Not me saying that my ex is a fuckin phyco and that i’ve been slamming pussy for the past 4 months straight. :giggedy
YOUR emo. Notice how the two guys to respond first are BMW drivers. hmmmm maybe :gay
so in other words her new man broke up with her? she don’t love you, and if she does, she’s fail anyway. i wouldn’t even bother responding to her. ignore her as if she doesn’t exist.
your spot on brother! Dont let her play games and get back into your life. Girls are alot like cars, once they start giving you problems, you can put as much work into them as you want but they are still gonna just give you more problems.
Speaking of the new whip, what’s your insurance like for that if you don’t mind me asking?
I would love to get one since they’re really pretty decently priced these days… but I’m afraid of paying out the ass for insurance.
$15 dollars a month cheaper than on the VR4. haha.
I pay $120/month for full coverage with maxed out limits and a $500 deductible. It’s not bad. Then again it depends on your insurance company and your driving history.