Shift is international!
dude its okay as long as it didnt touch the sides as you were coming out then it doesnt count :wierd
Damn it! Now I problems!
(Wanted to be cool and put this on top of a quote.:shifty)
Dude you are cool now WE are the new trend here putting what we are saying n top of the quotes, WAT WAT
i swear you guys made me piss my pants a few times now… im glad to see the US has retards also… but please keep him there k… cuz i dont want him fuckin all our sheep… im sure if he’ll put a rod in his sister he’ll deff. taint our fucking sheep…
Beat this!
WIN !!!
Well I didnt read this whole thread, but Ive got enough on the OP now to bury him for awhile.
Expect a call from one of our DEA offices sometime soon.
Good fer you!
I smoked weed before my first cigarette
I used to smoke weed instead of drinking cause i felt more in control when i was high than when i was drunk. If anything legalize weed and ban alcohol. There is no such thing as marijuana poisoning, you see alcohol poisoning all the time
This is like beating a dead horse, 20X over. Alcohol will remain legal, while marijuana will not be made legal, at least in our lifetimes. There are WAYY too many things that would have to change with the legalization of pot, laws, statues, exclusions, age limits etc etc. You realize damn near EVERY law would have to be gone through just like with it was with alcohol. Say you kill someone, if marijuana was involved it would heighten the offense, just like it would with alcohol. All these laws would have to be modified to deal with the influence of marijuana, and they would need new sub law for all the offenses.
This thread is for making sister fucker look worse than before, if at all possible. All the other shenanigans are null compared to sister fucker’s.
thank you ssssssmokin for ruining the true epicness of this thread.
92dickjammingcivicboi chime in with some stupid remark so we may continue with what this thread was intended for.
race92, I have a guy interested in your stuff. Where can we meet?
Yea, i’m that guy he speaks of. I’m interested in everything however I’m a bit strapped for cash. I could provide you with 3 smokin hot chicks for a one night stand that go to UAlbany. PM Me if you’re interested and i’ll provide more details.
im interested i got some piff thats about it
where the grilz at
You won’t even need that. These girls love throwin down.