Another Sisterhumper92HATCH EPIC FAIL

Her name??


the true gateway drug that leads to everything no matter which ONE it seems is CIGARETTES for the win bob:number1

This thread isn’t about pot, it’s about what a failure 92dicksmugglingcivicpineapplemauiwowwycivic is at life.

I will say this though. I’ve never smoked and probably never will either. Alcohol is a drug, abused or not. I’m not saying I’m pro-pot but I’m not against it either. I know a few people that are recreational users of pot and they also happen to be successful business people. Just because it is illegal it doesn’t mean every single person who tries it or uses it is a loser. People could argue up and down that all Camaro owners are white trash or rednecks.

:facepalmalright sits back for all this doodoo:facepalm


Alcohol is far worse. It lead me to smoke pot. Alcohol also lead me to smoke cigs. Because of alcohol I’ve fucked fat chicks. But I’ve never fucked a fat bitch while smoking a cig due to pot…

I don’t smoke cigs, terrible habit. :rofl


Tis true!!

last time i checked people have way more probs with alcohol

oh ok i was just going by the other post u made about not ever smoking or something… my bad

I’m going to stay out of this as much as possible, but this is a false statistic.

For the record, weed is not a gateway drug. People who are inclined to try harder drugs will usually start with weed because it is cheap and accessible. The fault lies in the person, not the drug. To say otherwise simply means you don’t understand the drug, and probably get most of your knowledge on it through media sources and scare campaigns.

9 out of 10 people I know that smoke weed have never tried anything else because they are happy sticking with weed.

Anyways… who’s up got a good ol’ fashioned sister fucking?

Pics of said sister for further analysis…:shifty

In for coke, meth, and pcp while banging my sister.

shit I smoke weed why not try incest too?


It’s the gateway sex to beastiality!:shifty

This thread is now about ssssmokiiiin and his anti-ssssmmooooooookin campaign, sister fucking, and failvis’ lack of creativity.

Three potential epic threads… merged into one. I call for a split.

Is birth the gateway drug to sex itself?


Oh snap!!

It’s mind bottling to think about…

My mind is bottled…aww man…DUDE!! :wow We all fucked our moms!!

well hello everyone… just checking in from ireland… racwhateverthefuck. you my friend are a right silly cunt! the only proper thing for anyone to do is toss me hobnails at your chin… you bloody fucktard…

im just sayin… and wonderful to meet you all. cai0

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