Any Accountants Out There?

As part of a merger that makes us one of the largest CPA firms in New York State and within the top 100 firms in the country, were aggressively seeking accountants with any level of experience.

Our (Buffalo) branch’s primary focus is in Auditing & Assurance and consulting of Housing, Healthcare, Government, and Non-Profit entities, however we do have an expanding Tax base if thats where you feel comfortable.

Salaries and bonus tend to be of the highest in the area but we also do a lot of travel so keep that in mind.

PM me if you are interested and have any questions, and ill do my best to answer them fairly.

Can i be that guy who has no formal schooling / training in accounting. Who is hired by the company, trained by the company to become the best man for the job inside the company?

Firm? (Dopkins? Champiou? …actually, since you mention extensive travel I’m guessing Tronconi)

Edit: Toski. The areas of concentration should have clued me in as well.

Haha we have a feewwwww people here with finance degrees maybe lol. Other than that, im sure we can breed you to be the best secretary you can be.

If you have your ear to the ground, the merger should be the buzzword. At least I hope it is lol.


sending PM

Not looking to jump ship currently. Sticking with the largest firm in Upstate NY for right now.

Sent my cousin Eric a link to this thread, he should be contacting you soon for details!

pmd for interest

You guys do any consulting stuff?

Haha let me know if anything changes :wink:

We do out of our Buffalo office currently, but its mostly consulting related to accounting systems as opposed to Finance and Business Analysis. I know however within the year when the full merger has gone through, the need for consultants will go up as that is a large function of the company who is acquiring us. If youre serious check back in a few months.

Nice. The more I see my bank overpay contractors from the Big 4 and other firms to come in and basically add no value to projects, the more I want to be one of them.

Best players dont play where the puck is, they play where its going ~ Wayne Gretzky dint have shit on Sarbanes-Oxley

you mean the Accounting Full Employment Act?
SOX is just the tip of the iceberg for banks…Dodd-Frank and CCAR are its big, ugly associates.

Yeah pre Dodd-Frank and CCAR I truly wanted to work for a bank with respect to how strong banking is in Buffalo but from what I read, theres just so much independence needed now that its just so much easier/cheaper to contract most everything out accounting-wise. Gets even funnier when you find out that those who are doing the contracting oftentimes cant even provide audit services because their services compromise independence… MOARRR JOOBBZZZ!!!

Sending you a pm!

What’s your email? I can pass it along to a couple people.
