Any animal Docs?

My buddy Buster is a 5 year old mutt that has something on his neck. It doesn’t appear to be bothering him, and I can poke at it without him seeming to care. I’m not sure what it is and if I should try and remove it myself, or take him to the vet. My wife is going to call in the morning and see if they can get him in, but if it’s just something I can remove with a scalpal, I’ll take it off myself (actually my wife the PA will do it). It’s hard to see in the picture, but it’s a light grey color and is fairly soft. Kinda looks like a kernel of corn, but connected to his skin. There are some other crusty bits on his skin around the site. This little spot is on the right side of his neck and I could be mistaken, but I think he’s had it a few weeks. I just saw it up close tonight and I’m a little worried.

My hound had these and the vet did a biopsy. They said that it was the only way to tell for sure what it is. Turned out to be nothing to worry about. Good luck.

that looks like a tick dude

Is it fluid filled?

+1 on looks like a big ass swollen tick.

my cat gets these from time to time. i thought it was some random growth too cuz when Id pet her, i’d feel it and touch it and she’d never respond. Then later on we yank out a huge ass tick haha.

your description makes me like 95% sure its a tick…the body gets all expanded soft and mushy from the blood they are feeding on constantly.

violator posted some good links

you cant tell unless you pop it and YOU DON"T WANT TO DO THAT

If you care about the dog, take it to a vet.

If you try to fix it yourself, infection may set in. Trust me, you don’t want to pay the vet bill on that.

I know it hurts to part with the money, but somethings should be left to the professionals, we’re not talking a car here.


No you definitely don’t want to pop it but I wasn’t sure if he could tell if it was fluid filled. My dog occasionally gets these growths that are fluid filled and so they just end up needing to be drained.

vet appt tomorrow…

Good call, where are you going?