Any Comic Book Collectors?

Galactus is a badass, no doubt. But Ghostrider is no chump.

Didn’t Venom kill Ghostrider? I think I have that series…

Eh… you can’t really kill Venom, but when he tried to do the Penance Stare, it fucked up the rider.

The new Venom is a badass too though.

I collect/save Those Archie digest books/comics.They are the ones that are 128 or 256 pages and about the size of a TV guide.Have close to 500 I would have to say.Some as old as the 60’s.Always looking to pick up more if anyone has any

heres a better question, what DON’T you collect?

The rider is cool on the generic superhero/antihero level, but he is no where near the cosmic dudebros.

Jack, please tell me you saw the punisher. since you seem to follow this stuff, what did you think?

Used to get archie and jugghead back in the day.

bunch of old comics. I used to have the origional Black Panther issues like 1-4 and a bunch of rare spiderman and fantastic four compics but my mom threw them out cuz she thought they were junk. I still have a bunch though. I got the X-Men series with the Brood. Its badass.

Meh, to each thier own.

i don’t actively collect anymore but i still have 100+ from when i was a kid. I have an old Avengers one that’s written in French that my grandfather bought when he was over in europe for WWII.

I liked it.

I liked the first one too.

They both have their moments where the corny is too strong, but it is Marvel, and it is based on corny.

I’m the guy who played Marvel Ultimate Alliance and ripped the cut scenes to my photobucket to show the guys at work. I would pay $200 to see a full length movie of that quality. These are dark and shitty because of Photobucket, but they are kick ass in real life.

Anyone know who this is?

I spend anywhere from 1-2 hours a day, for the last 15 years of nerding it up on this shit. I work with 30 and 40 yr olds who do the same.

spawn and simpsons comics from back in the day day

The Juggernaut!!!

I was looking for the man in the suit.
The human.
Friend of a friend.

Yeah I am pretty knowledgeable on Marvel stuff, but jack blows me away…and some of the guys from his work I’ve met blow him away. Marvel roxors.

Damn Jack, I wish you posted more… specifically during the dayshift :\

I used to try and read storylines on wikipedia, but they were never complete. :tdown:

Where do you read up on the comics?

I’ve spent literally over 100 hours on Wikipedia, or should I say the Marvel Database portion of Wiki. Essentially, when I read a character profile, which leads to another profile that I’m unfamiliar with I go to my buddy, Lemur. Lemur knows everything comics. He is comic book guy. When I ask him about the event he responds with an issue, and any other instances like the event that I mentioned. He brings in those comics the next day.

I read them at work, and then I ask for more.

None of my research is ever done at home :slight_smile:

ILC has his HDD… which contains every episode of every Marvel cartoon ever. He was unable to save the disk though. :frowning:

When I was a young lad, I would collect the cards. I would study the backs of the cards for days at a time. Specifically stats and background info. is amazing. They have this universe thing… where when you search for someone, it puts them in the center of the universe. Everyone they’ve ever come into contact with is then linked to them… and so on and so forth. Essentially tying everyone together. Each with their story.

I can’t post on day shift… I have other forums that are not on “the blocked list” that I surf all day.

If we talked more Marvel here… I think I would come by more often. :slight_smile:

Jack, ever heard of heroclix?

I haven’t… not that I recall. I should say I’ve never “heard” of them, but I may be pronouncing it incorreclty.

Now that I’ve googled it, I do know what you’re talking about, but I’ve never played.

i do, and possibly will be drinking with him tonight. that was from last halloween, his brother actually made the costume the year before afaik. He was quite upset for not winning that costume competition.

I wasn’t able to get pics of his previous costumes. He has Gambit and Iron Man.

Iron Man was awesome.