Any Comic Book Collectors?

Anyone wish to elaborate? None of us know who he is

Like I said… friend of a friend. I don’t know his name, but a buddy of mine showed me his myspace… .and his costumes are amazing.

ohhh hahaha when you wrote “Do you know who this is?” I thought it was some hypothetical question about it being a famous person that we should know

lol. Honestly… we should know him.

If I could find the Iron Man suit… you would agree.

Alright jack, tell me what you think about the character Lobo? Ive really started to dig him in the past 3 weeks


With this new walking dead craze out there, comics are coming around alot more know in discussion, anyone still collecting?

I am looking for the first issue of the walking dead from 2003

Thats funny because in the past I’d look up a character and then next thing I know, 2 hours gone from clicking on links in the wiki section. lol Its amazing how elaborate these story lines are with the characters.

i was a big collector of spider man when i was a kid…i have all of the various spider man comics - amazing, spectactular, spider man, etc, etc- probably from like 1988-2000 ish. thought- and still think- todd mcfarlane’s spider-man was the best and that lead me to collect spawn… which i have probably 8 to 10 years worth. i loved the xmen age of apocalypse series and have all of the comics related to those series. i thought it was interesting mostly because marvel realized how screwed up their universe had become particularly with all the mutant worlds… it seems they like to attempt a reboot of the universe every several years now though.

i never really cared for DC comics although i did buy all of the death of superman series and the related alternate supermans that came after. i really liked image when it started, spawn, savage dragon, gen 13, pitt, the maxx…but i only ever really collected spawn with any frequency.

my brother still collects avidly…i think he has like 15,000 comics or something now. its pretty crazy.

i have no idea what would be the most valuable item i currently own…i have a ton of hologram cards from the 90’s which used to be worth a good bit. i even had an irregular where 2 hologram cards were uncut and folded over together in the same pack…not even sure where to look up the value these days… do they still sell wizard?

wizard is still around, the one spider man I want to pick up is amazing spiderman, 129, first apperance of punisher. The punisher was by far my favorite comic character growing up.

I agree with you that image was amesome when it came out. So many good new characters. Savage dragon was awesome plus Spawn, Super Patriot