Any cool pet stores in the area???

I remember when I was a kid going to Village aquarium on rt9 in Latham and them having the craziest shit there. Frogs that ate pinky mice, African cats, crazy ass monkey that used to throw its shit at you, crazy snake and reptile selection etc… Any place fairly local like this still exist???

Eddie’s Aquarium on Rt. 9 is pretty cool but go on a hot day and you’ll smell like the dump for three weeks.

I’ve been there a bunch of times and its great for fish, but I’m looking for a place that has some exotic/cool animals with a wide variety.

Petco by Wolf/ off Central had tortoises last time I was there, but that was months ago. Not sure if they rotate what “exotic” animals they have. Pet store here in Cobleskill, used to have cool stuff sometimes, but same deal, I havent been there in awhile, and Im sure there is something closer to you. What is that pet place on Wolf, on the right if youre headed north… I think it was anyways.

Benson’s is the one on Wolf, also on Fire road in Clifton Park. No idea whats in there though.

The guy that owned that place has a place on state st in Schenectady called “The Zoo”. I’m not sure if it’s still there.

Ohhh shit, TOTALLY forgot about that place. I went there once and he had a few alligators…hahha That guy was crazy as hell. Thats the type of place I will have to go without my family, way too much of a hood around there. Oh and +rep

That place is in with Ted Klonowski’s bowling/billiards shop. If I remember right his son runs it.

Guys name is mike… I use to get snakes n rats from him… He only does snakes now

No more alligators and crazy shit???

Na just snakes… N he got rid of all the big reticulated pythons he had

That sucks. We used to go see him all the time when we had our Colombian red tail boa back in the day. I’ll still have to stop in and see what he has. that guy def knows his animals.

I remember that place on Union. Went there with the old man a few times when I was a little guy.

might be a legality issue. I dont think alligators are allowed to be pets in NY now.

My girlfriend had one of those frogs that ate mice, thing never moved until you put a mouse in its cage.

Thats all I got

anybody else remember the guy with all kinds of different animals that used to come to elementary schools? He was missing parts of a few fingers due to them being bitten off.

I remember he had a huge frog and it pissed all over when he picked it up. He also had snakes, tarantulas, an armadillo and a bunch of other animals.

Dean Davis!

yeah, thats the guy. I had forgotten his name

I remember he brought a spitting cobra to my class when I was in 4th grade, fucking insane. The pussy school districts would flip out if someone even thought about bringing stuff like that to a school these days.

yeah, I sure they would now. Fuck even the playground equipment we used to play on is unsafe now.