Any current UB (or local 4 year school) Marketing students?

We may soon have an opening for a Marketing Intern… right now I don’t have a ton of details because the job posting isn’t up yet. But once it is I will have hours, pay, job description etc. The last intern did ~20 hours a week or so, I know they were really flexible with classes etc, as most internships are.

Company: Moog
Division: Medical Devices (seneca st, buffalo)

That’s all I know for now - will update as soon as the posting is made, but this can be a heads up that it’s coming. Having a Moog internship would look real good on a resume.

good opportunity. internships are a must for marketing majors if you want to have any chance at a decent job after graduation.

We need all the Marketing Help we can get!!! Find us a good one Micah!

LOL, Marketing classes were the only ones in business school that had hot chicks. They are also the only business majors that didn’t get hired in good jobs right out of school.