Job Help Needed

My sister has her degree in Marketing and is having a tough time finding a job. I just figured I would pose the question on here to see if anyone knows of anything that is in her field. I know its a long shot but I figure its always worth a shot.

Thanks peeps

O and because I forgot how many of you are sweet…No I will not provide pics…and no she will not be on the corner…and yes she does have a boyfriend who she will marry. :slight_smile:

What type of marketing is she interested in? Just Marketing, is a huge, general field.

Well i know she likes advertising and designing art. I think shes just looking for something to use her degree in.

ive got a marketing position open for her…but she has to work long shifts and be willing be payed “under the table” …hahahahaha yeah i went there


I am going to kill your cat if its the last thing I do :slight_smile:

I know Pepsi and Pepsi Bottling Group are huge on Marketing as far as recruiting from UB. I don’t remember if the positions were local, though. They may have been around NYC (Around New Rochelle).

Thanks…I will pass that along

what happened with the last job she had?

She was working at a bank but didnt like it for whatever reason.

willing to relocate?

what about the job she tried to get me to “apply” for? internet sales or whatever it was? she seemed like she loved doing that?

Pack it up and move to carolina, just like everybody else.



I dont think she is willing to move…her bf and her have an apt in OP with a lease. I know part of the problem is Buffalo but there has to be something out there.

good luck. You move, there is a lot of stuff. I’m sure if she found a good jib elswhere, they would help her pay to break the lease.

Yeah…its her boyfriend and her addiction to talking and seeing my mom every other day that I think would be a bigger problem.

I’d like to talk and see your mom everyday.


or not.


O silly Howie…how i remember those days :stuck_out_tongue: